
What is missing in the lakers?

by Guest62645  |  earlier

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Last year, before the Gasol trade. i believed Pau Gasol was the missing piece for the lakers. He was a solid 20-10, plays well defense, and could play in the triangle offense perfectly.

Now we lost Ronny Turiaf and i belive what we need is a defensive SF or PF. We could sign Bonzi Wells who is a free agent. But what player can the Lakers get that goes with the lakers perfectly that we can get for luke, Vladmir, Mihm, and/or Coby Karl.




  1. gasol is way to soft. if they could get, say.emka okefor for him, that wud b good, vuz theyd get a much better defender. but w/ kobe, they always got a shot

  2. They fell short because they don't have another inside presence. Lamar Odom is naturally a SF but with Bynum out, he was forced to play PF then start Radmanovic as SF which is a pretty lame player for a starter.

    That is why Odom seems to struggle in the playoffs, because it's not his natural position. He doesn't have the body to defend guys like Garnett. He's more comfortable using his length against perimeter players (similar to Prince's role to the Pistons).

    Now with Bynum back, Odom will play his natural position and expect better results. Unless a key player gets injured again, a championship is a high possibility for the Lakers next season.  

  3. we need to trade vladimir and walton for a good defensive player.we need defense mahn you saw what happened to us in da finals we diddnt play d

  4. Just Andrew Bynum.. The young guys got plenty of experience under the belts.. So that makes them tougher. I think Bynum is all we need to have the trophy in June.

  5. I think leadership too and heart. I hope Kobe will be more humble.

  6. With Bynum back we will be fine

  7. 1.a bench that knows how to play in the playoffs

    2.they need a better players behind fisher(farmar is not that good all he does is run around the court).

    3.better defense(they cant keep on doing well with kobe as the only player who can play defense).

  8. Bynum.

  9. i think that the lakers need another defensive player bcuz bynum will b back but they still need one more defensive player. but without one they would still b da best LAKERS for 2009 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Lakers missing leadership.  They don't have anyone that can lead them.

  11. heart

  12. Gasol played horrible D in the finals, it was disgusting.  In my opinin, that is what lost them the series.  I think IF Bynum gets back and stays healthy, its on for next year.  Everyone will be a Lakers fan again. I hate bandwagoners.  

  13. nothing

  14. I think we need a defensive forward. Bonzi Wells is a good choice, but I don't think that will happen. I'll tell you what, Ron Artest may seem like a real son of a you know what, but that guy can play. Too bad the Rockets got him, because he is an NBA All-Defensive player, and he is a big time scoring threat. Although, I also agree that with Bynum, we should be the best team in the league.

    Kobe gets his fourth ring in 09.

  15. There not missing a thing.Lakers are always the class of the NBA!!

  16. Pau Gasol was missing piece with Bynum with Bynum Lakers will be much better than last year ...and if they can work on their defense they will be good

    P.S X-Factor is moron and Lakers/Kobe hater so don't listen to him

  17. we need better players because koybe cant do it by himself he is the only reason the they made it to the finals

    think about it when boston started double teaming koybe the lakers lost horribley they need better players bottom line

    KOYBE IS THE BEST THOUGH but he still cant do it by himself

    p.s. X-factor sounds retearded koybe is on the lakers and if they won the finals koybe would of got the same award only one other nba star got and that was micheal jordon proving that koybe is the second to best

  18. They are missing KG, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen.  Any team with those 3 guys would be the overwhelming favorite to win the championship.

  19. Bynum is what was missing!!Lakers are fine ,Let the haters hate !!

    Lakers '09 champs !!

  20. All the Lakers are missing going into the 08/09 season in consistency. If they can constantly play to their potential they can easily be the best team in the NBA next year.  

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