
What is more acceptable ideology: Pro-Abortion or Pro-Choice? They arent the same?

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The whole point of abortion is to terminate the life of someone elses body




  1. Since I believe that the concept of Absolute Rights leads to corruption and division, the extremes of both sides need to find a hole somewhere to lie down in.

    There is never an Absolute Right.  One's actions must be made in light of society's needs.  By brainwashing the pro-choicers into believing they are above scrutiny simply creates more opposition, reducing the argument to ideological ninnyness.

    If you get drunk and get knocked up, your decision to have an abortion should be held to account.  Same for the pro-lifers, if you require all pregnancies to go to full term without considering rape, incest or risk to the mother's life, then you are also a loon.

  2. There is no such thing as "pro-abortion." That would imply that someone enjoys the fact that abortion is necessary. Pro-choicers accept that abortion will do until a better idea comes along, but would rather see it eliminated.

    The decision to abort ultimately lies with the pregnant woman. The father has the right to tell her how he feels, but he shouldn't have the right to force the woman to do something she doesn't want to do. Until it becomes possible for men to get pregnant, reproductive rights will never be 100% equal.

  3. The father should be asked for his opinion if he intends to help take care of the child (obviously except in rape cases) but not if the birth poses a danger to the mother.

    In the end it's up to the mother, after all, it is her body.  Think it through, if the woman needs the man's approval for the abortion, he could pretty much force her to go through with it, even if it endangers her life, simply by with-holding permission.

    Pro-Abortion suggests that you're in favor of abortion in all cases, Pro-Choice that it should be available if it's necesary (health reasons, for example)

  4. No, pro-abortion and pro-choice are not the same.   Not everyone who is pro-choice would have an abortion themselves.

    No, arguing that a woman has complete authority is not  sexist.   No one should be able to tell another person what to do with his/her body.

  5. I understand what you're saying. Although in most instances, the man has no objections if he doesn't want a child. however, yes, I think the man should have every right to object if he wants the child. I mean, yeah the woman has to carry the baby for 9 months, but if she doesn't want the baby after that, and the man does, how are we right in taking his chances of a child away from him? I mean, on the flip side if the woman wants the baby, and the man doesn't, there is nothing he can do about it, and at the very least has to pay child support.

    IMO abortions are wrong no matter what the circumstances, but in that aspect I think its wrong to take a mans child away from him and I think its wrong that he has NO legal say in the matter.

  6. "Bigoted and sexist?"

    What the heck does that mean? Please explain to us how a woman deciding whether or not she is going to continue a pregnancy could be called "bigoted?"

    That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Do you understand what "bigoted" means?

    As for "sexist" that is just as absurd.

    The man does not carry the child for eight months, and the man very often skips town and the woman is left to raise the child.

    It is only logical that the final decision always lies with the woman, because it is the woman who carries the ultimate responsibility.


    Thanks for providing me with the opportunity to prove that you are clueless.

  7. I agree that the father should be able to relinquish his responsibility if he does not want the child. But I do NOT agree that he should be able to force a woman to have a child she doesn't want to bear. It's not even just about the child, at that point it becomes an issue of denying medical treatment. No one should ever be able to decide what medical procedures another adult can or cannot have. It's also, at that point, riding the line of treating the woman like just a womb. I wouldn't want my body to be used like that. Anything having to do with my body is between me and my doctor, no one else.

    If you want to remove the fetus and incubate it yourself in a test tube, then we can talk. But you're not going to USE my body as an incubator for a child I don't even want. I can't even begin to explain how violated and dehumanized that would make me feel.

    Short answer, I guess, is that everyone should have the right to NOT be a parent. And nobody should be forced into parenthood against their will.

    Edit: I'm sorry, whose body is the child being housed in, if it isn't mine? Yes, another human life is involved - the baby's - but my body is the one being used as the incubator, and as such I should have the final say about what goes on inside of it. Like I said... you want to incubate it yourself in a  test tube, then we can talk.

  8. I fully agree with you.

    If a father is going to stick around long enough to argue the point, he should have some say.  If he cares enough to go to a court and force his say to be heard, he is obliging himself to responsibility and admitting, under law, that he will support the child.

    Yeah, if he skips town as soon as he hears the word "pregnancy"... then obviously its her say completely as he wont be around to say anything.

    I think a father who choses to be a father has a right to be.

    The argument "I bare responsibility for pregnancy and for raising the child" is a poor argument on the side of the pro-choicers.  Especially if he is going to be a factor in the childs life or her life.  And especially if she is going to demand child-support payments.

    I believe that if s*x was a mutual and consensual act, then so should abortion

    As it currently stands, if women want the child and he doesnt, he loses.  If he does want the child and she doesnt, he still loses.  I think that if a woman doesnt want the child, she can always give it up to him after birth... she can always be the one to pay child support.  What right does any woman have to deprive a man of his own children?

  9. I agree with you.  I think a father should be able to both pay the mother as a surrogate or sign over his rights before the child is born.

    However there are very few pro-abortionists.  That assumes the person believes all children should be aborted.  Many are pro-choice (as you have discussed) though.

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