
What is more bad ***, a Ninja or a samurai??

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no rules just what is more BA if you will.




  1. Ninjas have more distance weapons, and more license to use "dirty tricks".

  2. Ninja.  Ninjas were assassins and anticipated how to trick Samurai and fight without honor and were not bound by rules - Samurai valued the warrior code and fighting with honor and within the accepted rules of the day.  In a fight without rules - which is what Ninjas wanted - they would defeat a Samurai.  Ninja.

  3. Samurai

  4. I disagree. On a battlefield, ninja would still win lol.

    Say you have 5 samurai and 5 ninja in a big open field.

    The ninjas win, man. They got the skill, speed, and equipment to do it

  5. Take Ninjutsu or Bujinkan and find out for yourself.  This has techniques from both ninja and samurai implemented, but isn't really practical in modern society IMO because someone can just shoot you while you throw a ninja star at them hoping to hit.

  6. two difrent styles of fighting. saurais fough in battle's on large scales. ninjas were trained assasins. killing silently and quickly. so on a battle field samurai in a fast attack ninja.

  7. i guess if a ninja brings his whole arsenal of weapons

    the samurai is done for.add to that a ninja can be dressed as

    a farmer , a merchant , a stranger, a beggar , so he can use

    the element of surprise to attack the samurai plus

    he has the smoke bomb to retreat if the samurai gets the upperhand.

  8. dude a  Ninja kicks a**


  9. Ninja

  10. samurai would easily win in a head-to-head fight.

  11. A samurai wins. A ninja is some rinky dink guy trying to run around on stealth mode. He throws ninja stars cause he cant get to close cause someone might grab him, he throws smoke to hide himself and he stays hidden. Uh, on the streets we call that a *****. Who hides, throws stuff and is sneaky? If someone in America was doing this they would be called a psycho stalker.

    Now a Samurai is bad ***. He has cool body armor from top to bottom. If a ninja gets hit with something he will feel it cause all he is wearing is black clothes. That samurai isn't feelin anything a ninja throws. What some weak *** kicks and a few punches from some skinny hidden punk aint stoppin a samurai. The samurai is also skilled in martial arts plus he has a bad *** sword that can cut through anything. He doesn't have to hide cause he's coming straight for you. And when he gets there all h**l will pay. You saw how many ninja turtles it took to beat Master Samurai Shredder. But all joking aside a samurai will kick the living **** out of a ninja any day.

    A ninja is that kid who got tired of getting his *** kicked by a top flight samurai's so he dressed up in a all black outfit and tried to get revenge at nite time. But the geared up Samurai still whips his ***!

  12. Ninja of old obviously :)***

  13. samurai all the way

  14. "There are no superior martial arts, only superior martial artists."

    It would depend on the ninja or samurai ... both would have been bad***.

    Most likely, the result would have been a mutual killing.

  15. In a stand up fight I'd put my money on the ninja as they would probably be more inclined to win at all costs / cheat / employ dirty tricks etc.  

    Just as a general bad *** I'd say they draw.  Who would you be more scared having come after you - A guy who is a shadow and will use any and all obscure method to kill you or a guy who is willing to take his own life rather than fail...

  16. A Samurai would beat a Ninja because fighting was their sole tool and trade, while a Ninja was more a militian jack of all trades.

    Samurai: Their entire regime, discipline, and life style was geared around fighting.  That's all they did.  They were masterful warriors, selected based on their ancestry, genetics, work ethic, and dedication.  They constantly sparred when they were not at war.  They were the strongest, fastest, biggest, fighters of their day.

    Ninja:  Were an indigenous Chinese counter defense group for all those ready to serve.  While not career soldiers like the  Samurai, the Ninjas were very adaptive, stealthy, and relied on a plethora of special ops skills including reconnaissance, ambush, sabotage, and assassination.  The strong heavy bodies of the Samurai that would almost certainly dominate in a 1 on 1 fight and be able to carry 40-60lbs of armor and weapons, would not necessarily be conducive to days lying in waiting without food, scaling walls, or hanging silently under a moving cart, and other tasks a Ninja would have to endure.

    They both were outstanding warriors in their own right, but since the Samurai is bred and trained only for fighting, then he will dominate the fighting arena.

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