
What is more dangerous AC Supply or DC supply? And why?

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What is more dangerous AC Supply or DC supply? And why?




  1. When considering the relative dangers of AC or DC supplies I assume you mean in terms of receiving an Electric Shock.

    The dangers associated with electric shock fall into 2 basic categories Electric burns and interruption of normal life support functions (Breathing and pumping blood)

    Electric burns are suffered when electric current either AC or DC passes through the body. Hence first , second and third degree burns can occur depending on the severity of the shock. Additionally current can pass through internal organs such as liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc causing severe damage.

    When AC passes through the body the electricity is changing direction 50 or 60 times per second this is measured in hertz (Hz) This is known as the supply frequency and in UK it is 50Hz USA = 60Hz. This alternating current can disrupt the electrical impulses from the brain to the muscles causing them to spasm hence we appear to be thrown across the room, freeze, cramp or be unable to release an object from which we are receiving the shock. If the current is high enough and lasts long enough it can disrupt the muscles of the chest causing stoppage of breathing and it can disrupt the heart causing stoppage or fibrillation of the heart. This danger value is generally accepted as a current above 50mA.  Hence in UK electrical installers use Residual current devices and USA electrical installers use Ground Fault interrupters to reduce the risk of fatal electric shock.

    The answer is when considering like for like Voltages AC is more dangerous than DC as AC can interrupt life support functions as well as cause serious burns.


  2. AC is produced by generators and is normally of a higher voltage than DC which is produced by batteries and transformers. Higher voltage translates into higher current flow according to Ohm's Law:  V = (I)(R), where V is volts, I is amps or current, and R is resistance. DC also flows in one direction, so it can pass through you somewhat smoothly. AC changes direction 120 times per second, that's why they call it alternating current. It makes muscles contract and can do a lot of damage inside your body. It's nothing to play around with.  

  3. kfc needs a better source than his brother.

    Far and away, DC is more dangerous.

    I have been zapped by a 60 volt DC battery and it is MUCH more uncomfortable than a 120 AC coming out of the wall socket.

    DC will make your muscles contract and you can't let go.  AC does not cause a paralysis at the lower voltages that DC can.

  4. AC power supplies for domestic or industry is 110 V in US/Canada and 230V in most other countries. 230V can kill, but current is half for the same power.

    DC power supply for some mobile homes, yachts, etc, is usually 24V, so not a shocker. But you can't use it for heating, cooking, etc. It is used for lighting and powering radios, computers, etc.

    Both have advantages and applications in the right circumstances.  

  5. AC. When you get shocked via AC current, then it grabs onto you for a while. With DC, when u get shocked its just a boom it doesnt hold onto you.

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