
What is more dangerous...?

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driving over or under the speed limit?

I was stuck behind someone travelling well below the speed limit causing some drivers to take risks to overtake.




  1. I drive 190 miles a day to and from work and plenty of people do about 100mph on the motorway but it's always safely done.

    There's no jumping in from one lane to the next to get around a vehicle,  people just slow down and wait for the car in front to move out of that lane and then they'll speed back up and away they go.  Thats why i think we should have an autobahn style system of motorways.

    What is dangerous are the people who jump from lane to another without indication and also those people who'll wait until the last few seconds while your speeding up to take over them and then they just jump into your lane.   I've had that a few times today.

    Going slowly can also be a danger but mainly to the people stuck behind them.   They'll lose patience and start driving without due care and attention.

  2. I think i'll go with going under the speed limit. People would get extremely mad at you and get road rage then who knows what will happpen next.

  3. over durrr.... u can get in a car accident! commen sence woman!

  4. well, both are dangerous but I look at it this way... The person going fast is a danger to hit someone. They could lose control of thier vehicle or not be able to respond to conditions in front of them in a timely fashion. The person going too slow (as long as they aren't pulling out in front of you) aren't in immediate danger of loosing control or reacting in a delayed fashion. So, the fast person is in danger of hitting someone but the slow person is in danger of being hit. And remember, it is your responsability to keep a safe and clear distance (even if they are going really slow).

  5. 1 You should always be able to stop in the distance you can see to be clear a head.

    2 You should not overtake if to do so would endanger other road users, at a junction, approaching a bend etc etc etc.

    These and other Rules are there to protect the stupid form themselves and protect others from the stupid.  

    Accidents do not just happen, the always are caused by a stupid decision.  

    Speed limits in towns are needed but open road speed limits area a waste and are not there for reasons of safety.

    The driving test is too easy so too many people are driving who do not have the skill to deal with modern traffic conditions, if they drive slow it's up to the more skilled to deal with them in a safe way.

  6. So if others could overtake why couldn't you. In a way you were causing them to overtake multiple cars instead of just one. slow drivers rarely are involved in crashes but I believe they cause the most crashes and blistfully drive on completely unaware of what they just caused

  7. Driving below the speed limit can be just as dangerous as driving over it.  It causes people to back up.  What's worse is when someone in front of you drives slow then speeds up, then slows down again.  It throws your rhythm off.

  8. both

  9. In reply to Kara..You could get in an accident by overtaking..common sense woman!...

    I think both are equally dangerous but drink driving is probably most..

    some people take risks to overtake a slow driver so i think driving under is a tiny bit more dangerous.

    [: Good Question

  10. Impatience is the most dangerous, it should be remembered that the speed limit is a maximum permitted speed so that someone driving well below the speed limit is within the law. I know exactly what you are driving at (oops) here but \I think I have the correct if not popular answer

  11. Are you American. If you are, you will be unaware of a case in Britain recently, where a woman was prosecuted for driving too slow.

    She caused a 2 mile tailback, and people couldn't overtake on the narrow road.

    Her average speed was 20mph, and when stopped, she said she was lost and was unsure of the road,

    The judge also insisted that she take another driving test.

    I believe that the minimum speed on the AUTOBAHN in Germany is 60mph and you can be fined if driving less.

  12. Over, no doubt

  13. Both are really dangerous both I will go with over the speed limit.

  14. speed kills... it does not say how fast the speed! hee hee While it is very annoying to be behind these slow drivers they normally have the car under control. The others that are in a hurry to get some-where that come behind them are now desperate to make up for the time they doing so they are now more dangerous having met this slow driver. sometimes the speed limits are also posted for minimum speed.  I once was stopped for going to slow in Indiana. I was carrying a long pole strapped to side of my truck and was trying to let people around me (only one car- A trooper). I was watching the pole and making sure it was not going to come loose... he gave me a warning after I explained what I was doing!  I have found that both can be a danger but often it is safer to drive like the others in that area! The other drivers there are used to that type of driving slow or fast!!!

  15. You're right. I was once in a position of having a faulty gearbox. The highest gear I could select was 2nd and on single lane country roads my top speed was about 30mph this caused lots of drivers to make some very silly overtaking manouvers. Needless to say I pulled over at the first service station I came across.

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