
What is more enjoyable: life in summer or life in winter?

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  1. Summer hot, humid, bugs,storms,cranky people from heat

    winter refreshing cold,snow,no bugs,skiing,snowshoe anywhere,less weekend "yahoo"warriors to contend with

    my vote is for winter

  2. They both have their ups and downs in New England so I really don't care.

  3. I like life in summer because I could really study more of the animals and things I study. I also like summer because it is a perfect time to go in the water to study oceanography.

    I like winter because you can protect yourself more than you can protect yourself in summer. I also like it because you can feel good with the winds and low temperatures.

  4. I say the summer is more enjoyable and nicer because you get the heat,  my birthday is in August(the hottest month of the summer),women who wear less clothes and tight clothes, shorts and t-shirts or jerseys, clear blue skies with sun most of the time, iced caps, freezies, popsicles, long walks, beaches and the list goes on....You can also cuddle up and have more skin to skin contact, which is cool...

    On the other side of it the winter is actually kind of nice because you can curl up with someone to keep warm.  I hate too much snow, though I used to like it when I was younger, but it is actually nice when you get a normal snowfall and go for a walk.  There are other things too that mke winter nice too.

    They both have their good sides to them, but I say that summer is the more enjoyable season, and you feel more free in the summer...

  5. ice...sunny ski...(I live in buffalo)...I wouldnt mind living where I had an otion (near mountains)...

  6. Definitely Winter--I live in Central FL and the summers suck.  It was 97 today, you can't even breathe.  We also have a lot of bugs, pretty gross...Winter is always better no matter how cold it gets.

  7. that' easy, summer of course

  8. For myself life is more enjoyable in the summer. I hate the cold weather and having to wear layers upon layers of clothing. I hate gassing up my car in subzero temperatures and so on. I'm sure it would help me to enjoy winter more if I liked to be involved in winter sports and things like that. But I'm a WIMP big time!!!! NO COLD PLEASE!!!  I do love the snow during Christmas and Thanksgiving. I live in the northwoods of Wisconsin and our winters here are pretty rough. Even though I don't care for winter I would never change the four seasons for anything. Each season has it's own beauty. During summer I can do some of my favorite things like motorcycle riding. That wonderful warm air against my face and skin. It's easier to travel without putting your car in the ditch or sliding down the road or rear ending someone. I don't like it to be ten thousand degree's in the summer but warm is good. The beach calls my and my children's name and off we go to swim and tan. Every season has it's luxury's and everyone has there own liking to each one but as I said before summer is #1 in my book. But it doesn't last long enough at least here in the northwoods.

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