
What is more entertaining, boxing or MMA?

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Which do you find more interesting and entertaining, boxing or MMA?




  1. MMA. 'nuff said.

  2. I think that boxing is more entertaining,

  3. I gotta go with MMA  they kick people in the face for crying out loud and other than  the floyd/ de la hoya fight boxing is pretty much dead and boring

  4. MMA, it is more exciting and fast paced than boxing. Instead of only using the hands, you can use the whole body.

  5. MMA.  I used to watch boxing - but the lighter weight classes usually went the distance and didn't seem like fighting as many times the clear "winner" did no more damage than the person that lost the match.  MMA is more likely to have a clear winner, either by submission or knock out or stoppage [the exception that makes the rule is the recent Kimbo Slice fight].  The lightweights and the heavyweights and all in between are exciting to watch where in boxing I only find the light-heavyweights and heavyweights exciting.

  6. That depends on you buddy. I have to go with mma. More action, more things going on. Both can be boring and both can be entertaining.

  7. I find MMA more exciting.

    re: William P

    I cannot believe your answers and questions on here.  How did you honestly become a MMA coach?  Your lack of research and degrading outlook on MMA is comedic.

    It's like your comparing Baseball & Football because they involve a ball.  They're two different sports like boxing & MMA are two different sports.  The only thing they have in common is two people fighting.  

    One thing to note though, you can incorporate boxing into your MMA arsenal but you can't incorporate anything MMA into your boxing.  And the reason you see a lack of movement in MMA 'boxing' is because of takedown defense.

    I haven't seen a person transfer over to either side and be successful yet.  Yosuke Nishijima was a good boxer but has not won an MMA match so far.  Like I said, two different sports.  No athlete has yet to crossover and break down the stereotype.

    Although MMA & Kickboxing is an easier transition.  Just look at Mirko Cro Cop.

  8. you can watch boxing or you can watch boxing with some more bad *** **** going on

  9. I find MMA more entertaining because the fights are shorter and far less predictable. MMA fighters can use a lot more techniques against their opponent than boxers can. Iron Ring is the best MMA fighting I have seen.

  10. Actually I'd say, "Boxing" ........take any big looping punch thrower from MMA and put him in a boxing ring and he's toast!!

    As a matter of fact take any MMA fighter and put him into any sport where accuracy counts and he's done for.  Whether ammy or pro MMA all MMA fighters fight like scrappy chumps.  How do I know this? because I train ammy's and know the major differences between "big looping overhand punches", "big looping cross punches" and the short, quick and powerful overhand and cross punches of boxing.  

    MMA always says, "Put a boxer in the cage and he'll get beat" well the same holds true the other way around as well.  I say, "Put a MMA practitioner in the ring with a boxer under "boxing's rules" and the MMA homie is K.O.'ed not later than round 2 and that's if the boxer toys with him.

    MMA's striking is slow, loopy and scrappy at best.  I'd like to see some MMA chump climb into the ring with a kickboxer under "traditional american kickboxing rules" because it would be lights out for Mr. MMA.

    In MMA you're knocked out when the ref says so, but in boxing and traditional american kickboxing you're knocked out when your a** is out cold. hehehehe..........

    If you know what you're looking for you can see how a MMA practitioner holds his gaurd while standing.  If he tried that in a "Boxing" ring.....G'night!!!   That's a boxer's playing field........ an opponent with a nice wide open gaurd and no blocking, bobbing or weaving abilities what so ever.  A MMA practitioner would be laughed out of "Boxing" for his lack of movement in his waist, knees, shoulders and neck when it comes to avoiding strikes especially against the ropes or in a corner.  MMA looks neat, but where's it's actual science?

    If you said, "slip the jab" a MMA practitioner would look at you and say, "huh?"

    Do you even know how many MMA practitioners that are out there that don't know what a "medicine ball sized double end bag" is? about a good easy 95% Let alone a slip bag....LOL.

    "Boxing" any day!!!!!!!

    MMA is for every Tom, d**k and Harry out there looking for instant stardom and fame as to where in Boxing it's all work and no fame or glory just work, work, work and nothing but.  Americans don't like to work any harder than they have to hence the mess ups always get employee of the month and never the hard workers.  Americans want things fast and quick like at the drive thru at McDonald's so they go into MMA events because other sports take too long and are way too hard to master for them.  So you'll hear 99.9% of fast-lane Americans brag about MMA when in truth for all they think it is it's a big nothing when it comes to understanding actual fighting.  They're all like, " he threw him to the ground and beat him up!!"  yeah I used to see that in grade school all the time so what's new?

    You'd be shocked at the number of ammy fighters (  not on my team ) I've spoken to before their fights at ammy MMA events who have never had any formal training what so ever and go into that cage and look like top notch fighters.  These Independent MMA ammy fighters....hehehehe........ Little street scrappers is more like it....... like their entire sport.  There's a big difference between those of us who coach and  know first hand what the score is and those who watch as well so I supose I'll get a lot of thumbs down for speaking the truth here.

    Boxing and traditional american kickboxing on the other hand well..... thrown/landed scoring...enough said.

    Oh and one more thing water bags are for people that have no clue and leather heavy bags are for real fighters.  ROTFL  MMA just loves those water bags...hehehehe

  11. My opinion is with MMA. I've never been able to get into boxing, but with MMA you have a mix of different things. Wrestling and grappling, boxing and different types of Martial Arts.

    <<<Wonder if Im too old to train for MMA? Hehe

  12. MMA, simply because there are several styles of fighting to watch, compared to boxing which is repetitive and can get a bit monotonous if it is a long 12-rounder jab-fest.

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