
What is more environment friendly: Gas Stove or Electric Crock Pot?

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In general, what would be more efficient? A gas stove or a electric crock pot? For arguments sake lets assume the meal I was cooking would take the same amount of time in the crock pot vs the oven.

The hot humid summer months have hit us and I refuse to turn on the central AC (never have since I bought the house!). The oven heats up the house so I have been using the crockpot to cook. My stove is gas and I know gas is cheaper then hydro, so which should I use?




  1. electricity causes pollution too unless the crock pot gets it's electricity from solar, hydro or wind power.

  2. electricity does not and can not produce harmful gasses the choice is obvious, the crock pot is also far efficient with very little wasted heat as opposed to an oven where only a fraction of the heat produced is actually absorbed by food!

  3. eat the food raw.... I threw out the range and use e crock

  4. The croc pot dumby  

  5. Even better - during the War Years when an electricity supply was not dependable, we used to cook stews in a hay box and even in the early 50's children at my school were taught the hay box techniques.

  6. This is only an educated guess, but I would say the crock pot would be more efficient because it's more self-contained.  A gas burner radiates a lot of heat out to the sides, but a good crock pot should have a little insulation around it to hold in the heat.

  7. A third alternative is solar cookers. You can buy one from Ebay.

    Here is a couple of informative sites where you can also see many models of solar cookers.

  8. Depends on where your power comes from, if it is mostly hydro (which may not actually be the case even if the power company has hydro in its name) or nuclear then using electricity is what you should do.

    Gas might be better if your electricity comes from fossil fuels due to not having any losses from conversion of heat to electricity.

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