
What is more exciting - going on a trip or coming home from a trip?

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What is more exciting - going on a trip or coming home from a trip?




  1. depends for some poeple and depends where you are going. like you would be excited to go to a place like paris... and you will be even more excited to come home and having like your souveneirs with you and wanting to tell all your friends about it

  2. Going on a trip for sure. You know home is good and all but there is a reason why people travel to just get away from their every day lives. I mean if you ask anyone in the street wether they would rather celebrate new years at home or in a place such as Paris or Ibiza. Most people would say the other option.  

  3. going on the trip

  4. going on a trip if you're tired working and all...

    but if you don't like the place you went to, or you've been staying there for so long and you're getting tired of it, of course, you would want to go home...

  5. definitely going on a trip. it's fun to go away for awhile, away from the monotony

  6. Everybody is different. and it also depends on if your homesick, and how long you stay on your trip. but for me going on a trip is better. its more exciting :)

  7. Going on a trip.

    Especially when it is not planned.

  8. Going on the trip!

  9. Depends really what trip you are embarking to. I dread the day I need to go on a trip if it means I have to go back to work. Coming home would be more exciting for that case.=P

  10. going, of course! it's an adventure, you don't know what will happen next.

    when coming home, you know what to expect, who will pick you up, what the airport will look like, what kind of people will meet you, etc. and what they expect from you.

  11. Going on the trip is more exciting, but home is, well, home!

  12. Going on a trip is more exciting. Coming home is more calming, more soothing.  

  13. going on.. cuz you are looking forward to going and doing all the fun stuff

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