
What is more fake. Global warming or professional wrestling?

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What is more fake. Global warming or professional wrestling?




  1. Global Warming is definitely real . Now wrestling..... i won't even get all into that because that's how lame it is :) but seriously i live in Chicago and its about to be April and its  still raining and snowing . It's supposed to be allergy season !!!

    Global Warming is serious and we need to do something about it

  2. professinal wresiling because when they wipe their brows they have razors in they and most people are paid to lose ecept the undertaker he dosnt listen but he brings in the crowd wich is the only reson they keep him

  3. global warming........ I still blame my s***w ups on el Nino

  4. Al Gore vs. Jim "Hacksaw" Duggan ... intriguing

  5. Global warming, at least wrestling requires some degree of athletic prowess. While all global warming theory only has is unproven suppositions and innuendo.

  6. professional wrestling!  worst acting ever!

  7. The scientists in the 10 national science academies that jointly drafted this statement say global warming is real:

    Joint Statement of Science Academies: Global Response to Climate Change [PDF], 2005

    Key Points:

    - Climate change is real

    - Reduce the causes of climate change

    - Prepare for the consequences of

    climate change

    The professional wrestling example is great.  Clearly the denialists love it, and believe it is totally real.  Why am I not surprised?

  8. Wrestling of coarse but there is some truth to global warming. The world is burning so much fossil fuel right now. You can't imagine the rate that China is growing in Industry never min India and other countries. but it is not as bad as there trying to make it. But know this , that if they didn't portray it as being as bad as there stating would anybody pay attention. And if we do start using green technology what would be the worst case, life might get better. I think we as a country should get into green tech, it would make jobs for are citizens.

  9. Cindy, you're unbelievable.  You have said "CO2 has no affiliation with heat whatsoever, yet this lie continues to perpetuate and manifest.... "  and "there is absolutely no contact or correlation between GW and CO2".  I have responded

    Are you unaware of the spectroscope and the laser? These things rely on the principle that every element or compound can absorb energy over the entire spectrum, but will emit all that energy on only a single frequency. Neither would work if what you are saying was true.

    As it happens, Carbon 12 and Carbon 13 emit in the infrared frequencies, commonly called "heat". This is the main reason that within the medical field a CO2 laser is the instrument of choice for a cutting laser. It is also what gives CO2 and other organic compounds their special role in the greenhouse effect. Water on the other hand absorbs 80-90% of the energy at those wavelengths, but emits poorly, around 10%. That gives water a special role in the Greenhouse effect as well. The graphs in this link show the emission frequencies of various substances.

    Do you have a response?   (I know I'm going to be kicking myself for asking)

    OK, I'd have never guessed in a million years that someone could argue that CO2 has no relationship to heat based on the fact a CO2 laser stops working when you turn off the switch.  You know they pretty much all do that, because the energy pumped into them causes the electrons to make a quantum jump to the next orbital.  Stop the pumping and they drop back to the unexcited state on their own.    You attach no significance whatsoever to the fact that CO2 emits it's energy on the infrared wavelengths?  Part of your "no relationship to heat" theory?  I take it you've never heard them referred to as a "heat laser"?  They're used for cutting and welding steel.  The military was very interested in them when they first came out.  When you turn it off the remaining energy in the excited gas comes out in the beam.  It happens at the speed of light, so it seems instantaneous.

    What have you got for why the  spectroscope shows the light and dark emission and absorbtion bands unique to the element or compound?  As long as I'm going to have a headache it might as well be a good one.

  10. The pro wrestlers I've seen are very healthy and athletic individuals who have to "roll" with punches and such. That does take some genuine work....

  11. global warming.

    the world is fluctuating in temperature, it happens all the time, we are not a big enough power to change the climate worldwide, the best explanation is sun spots, but there are many more theories.

    As far as professional wrestling goes

    thats fake too, i have some friends that cater to matches and it is "choreographed" so to speak

  12. GW is the greatest hoax of the 21st century.

    Pro-wrestling is no more fake than soap operas and thats what it is, a soap opera for men.

  13. OMG, you asked the toughest question that one could ever ask here....  

    You know what... I think that global warming is more fake because at least in professional wrestling, they do make some form of contact...  I mean global warming, there is absolutely no contact or correlation between GW and CO2, so I would have to say that GW is more fake....

    Wow, that is a great question though...

    Alright Tuba, you asked for it...

    CO2 lasers use CO2, N2 and He and uses electricity.... Why CO2 is used is because it cuts and immediately cools, thereby retaining ABSOLUTELY NO HEAT WHATSOEVER after the energy is INSTANTANEOUSLY EMITTED....


    I wonder what happens to all that LASER (CO2) energy once the surgeon turns off the switch?  LOLOLOL

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