
What is more friendlier female or male syrian hamsters

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i may be getting either 1 syrian or 2 russian dwarf hammies i have kept and bred syrians before but what do you think is more male or female syrians and when i kept my syrians the first female i ever had only bit me once and my other syrians and the babies never bit me !!!!! =)




  1. female but not with other females same thing with males

  2. Females do tend to be larger - even if when they are younger they are more or less the same size, they do tend to fill out a bit later in life. As a result they may not be suited to some of the tubular cages - especially the teddy bear varieties who can be quite big.  

    They are a lot more active - which is great if you want them to come out during the day.  

    males tend to like sleeping all day and for some, barely come out in the evening.  One of my hamsters I've had for over 2 years, I hardly ever see him - he just about manages to rally late in the evening!  Females on the other hand, are very nosey and like to know what is going on.  They tend to wake up easily during the day time and want to see what is happening.

    Because they are more active they are slightly harder to handle in the early stages, but I've never found this to be a real problem and have homed many females with children who have never had a hamster before. They don't bite any more than any other hamster - they are just a bit faster.

    As with any hamster, I think it is better to look at the temperament, rather than the appearance - it is better to have a plain hamster with a tremendous personality than a really pretty one that you can't handle or who bites you.  Just because a hamster is female, doesn't mean she will bite - I am a firm supporter of female hamsters as I love their personalities and the fact that they want to come out for a run around/play during the day time and have rarely had a problem with biting.

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