
What is more heartbreaking for a pitcher

by Guest59475  |  earlier

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the game is tied up in bottom of the 9th

1-pitcher gives up a solo hr

2-pitcher gives up a walk with bases loaded




  1. Giving up a walk with the bases loaded. At least the guy who it the home run earned it. Worse yet, is hitting a batter with the bases loaded or committing a balk.

  2. I'd say a walk because sometimes you can throw a great pitch and a guy can still hit it out. What can you do? But a walk is a guy's own doing, and if you can't throw a strike when you know you don't have anywhere to put a guy you've got to be pretty ticked about it.

  3. It's gotta suck having to go back to the dugout after giving up a walk to lose the game.  I'd think that would be worse than giving up a HR.

  4. walk because you try to control where you pitch to, if you pitch it there and the hitter hits it it isn't your fault its good hitting.  

  5. I would say the walk. If they give up the walk (like what happened with Rodney tonight), the pitcher will always wonder what would have happened if he just got it over the plate. Maybe he would've got him out. A homer is heartbreaking too, but at least you know you got beat by the player's hitting skills, not your own incompetence.

  6. there both heart breaking but  walk is more than a homer because its all your fault not ur team not anyone elses but ur self

  7. It has to be the walk because you know that its your fault when you walk in the run and you know you shoulda had your command. But if yougive up a solo home run, you just have to give it up to the hitter and say "ya got me" and go back to the clubhouse.

  8. Definitly a walk with the bases loaded. When I pitched in little league I would always rather give up a homerun than walk in a run because at least the person earned it. If I walk in a run then I basically handed them a run on a silver platter. Not to mention after a solo HR the bases remain empty....but a walk with the bases loaded leave the bases loaded.

  9. walk. its unacceptable for major leaguers. there was a little league story about a team losing a game with no hits allowed in the last inning and there were no hits, just walks.  its just sad, and home runs are actually earned.  

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