
What is more important, a good income or a fulfilling work?

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What is more important, a good income or a fulfilling work?




  1. A fulfilling work is more important. People who like what whey do are often happier and healthier compered to those with good income and undesirable jobs. I would definitely choose a fulfilling work and adjust my living expenses to the level of my income. Peace and happiness can not be purchased with money.

  2. I would go with fulfilling work.  I would rather feel good about what I am doing.  The finances would be taken care of because they always have.  I have left jobs that paid well and wasn't happy and when I was happy the bills managed to get paid and I was a single mom with 2 kids and we always managed to get by.

  3. well. usually they can be just as important. a moderately paying job will be fine enough for anyone, as long as it has a stable... stability. a fulfilling job is somewhat important, especially if you spend lots of time there. it doesn't exactly have to be fulfilling, just not bad. you got to like it in at least 3 ways.

  4. Fulfilling work for me. I spent 5 years in the Peace Corps and after I came home I decided to not go after a lot of cash, but instead work with disabled people. The work is hard and the pay is a fraction of what I could have earned if I had gone for the cash, but I feel good at the end of the day.

    ...But, I'm nearing retirement age and soon I'll wish that I had a bigger nest egg. I've saved quite a bit since I learned to live on little while I worked overseas, but when I look at the rest of my life with little income [social security] coming in,I know that I'll really have to budget what I have if I want it to last to the end of my life.

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