
What is more important, thought or action? Why?

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  1. action because if u just think about it nothin will get done..u gotta act if u want somethin done

  2. Probably thought, because without it before the action, you act on impulse and often make mistakes. Think before you speak.

  3. Action is more important then thought.  It is only through action that true change can take place.

  4. Action has more consequences than thoughts have. Thinking about robbing a bank would have very little consequence, but actually robbing a bank would get me in jail.

  5. I'd have to say their equal. Without thought you aren't able to understand the action that will eventually take place, nor will you know why your making this action happen. Thought is necessary for action, but without action nothing would get accomplished.  

  6. I think that thought is more important than action.  People claim to do things without thinking, and unless it is like habit or instinct, it usually does require thought even if the person doesn't realize they thought about it!  

  7. I think they are equally important.

    To think and not act is a waste of idea, because it doesn't affect anyone, not even yourself. The thought passes by and forgotten if not acted on. If you do something about it, even a simple jotting it down on a piece of paper, you have already acted on it.

    If you act without thinking, you are no more than a piece of trash blown by the wind. It is a waste of energy.

    What is best is if you thought of something and do an action based on what you thought, just like what normal people do.

  8. thought is the most inportant in my opinion because u need 2 think b4 u act . something we can all be guilty of not doing at times

  9. Action. I have often thought what I should have done.I have never regretted my action.

  10. For yourself or for others?

    For yourself, thought is more important. Your thoughts will influence everything you do. If you think positive you'll have mostly positive outcomes to the decisions you make and your life in general. A negative thinking person will only have failures. The best example is Olympic athletes, if their mindset isn't right before and during their event they're likely to lose and have a bad outcome. Dominican Olympic gold medalist in 2004 Felix Sanchez had his mother die on the same day of the 2008 qualifier and he had the worst race of his life coming in last. His time around the track was 2 seconds slower than the one he performed just a couple of weeks earlier. This is all in his head, his body is able to perform, but his mind isn't. Thoughts become what you are, not the other way around.

    Now, towards other people action is generally better than thought. You can feel sorry for someone all you want in your head, but if you don't let that person know that you feel that way then they have no way of knowing. Other people aren't aware of your thoughts, only your actions.

  11. Action.  In the heat of the moment you may not have time to completely think something through (such as rescuing a drowning baby) whereas thought alone does not necessarily lead to action (thinking about rescuing the baby does not save the baby).

    However, it is best when they go hand in hand.  Thinking before acting usually leads to the best overall results.

  12. action because actions proves the thoughts behind them are strong enough to provoke action do you go to jail for thinking about sugaring ur boss's gas tank cause hes an a hole or do you go to jail for doing it

  13. i think i understand what you are asking, in reality i believe it would be action, but the thought is just as important, but thats just my opinion from past experiences

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