
What is more important, to know who killed ninoy or to know what ninoy died for?

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What is more important, to know who killed ninoy or to know what ninoy died for?




  1. I agree with Pinay Backpack.

    Who ordered for his killing?

  2. they are both be given a clearer picture on why ninoy died, the perpetrators should be named or be made known to the people, that way, his death would become more meaningful..particularly for those who don't give a d**n about it.  

  3. Who's Ninoy???

  4. To know what Ninoy died for.

    Would we rather that Ceasar lives, and die all slaves?  Or that Ceasar were dead and live as free men?

    (I really think am overdoing Julius Ceasar here. And missing entirely the context of that line, and how it was used in the play.  Now, everyone would ask whether I came to bury Ninoy, and not to praise him.)

  5. At this point, we already know what Ninoy died for. But for the sake of Ninoy's family seeking justice for their beloved, I believe it's time the truth came out.  

  6. I think it is more important to know who really killed Ninoy, who pulled the trigger that ended his life.  Based from the voice taped from one Japanese reporter who was with Ninoy on the plane - "Pusila, pusila" it could only be from one of the military escorts. The big question that still plague many Filipinos today is WHO was the trigger man.  We all know Galman was only a fall guy.  

    Add:  And we all know who masterminded his assassination.  All three are guilty: Marcos, Imelda and Ver but it's hard to prove that unless the gunman squeals (if he isn't dead already).

  7. To know who killed Ninoy, THE GREATEST PRESIDENT WE NEVER HAD, is important to everyone especially to the Aquinos.

  8. I think it's not who killed Ninoy, but who ordered the assassination. Ultimately the gunman is a low level military officer, but he was most likely just following orders with possible grave consequences had he not followed through with the plan. More important is the question of what have we done since that event to honor Ninoy's sacrifice. We all know his death awakened our nation and gave rise to a new sense of national pride. But have the Filipino people honored his legacy? We accept corruption as a constant and thus tolerated practice in government. We continue to elect based on popularity instead of credential. And we constantly blame others for our problems instead of taking responsibility and being part of the solution. " The Philippines is worth dying for " while a nice quote is ever the greater when taken in context of the speaker's ultimate sacrifice for his motherland.

  9. For me, its more important to know what Ninoy died for. People would have an idea who plotted his assassin. The only thing people would want to know is exactly who shot him in the head.

    Its obvious that Ninoy died for the country. His death triggered for the people to replenish peoples' hunger for freedom. Though we saw the most obvious reason. But are Filipinos that familiar with what Ninoy was fighting for? Aside from freeing the Philippines from martial law?

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