
What is more important? Individual happiness or mankind's lifetime?

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I want to know what the users of this website think - Is it more important to be happy within your own life or to help future mankind's lifetime as a species, on Earth or where ever we may go after? Please leave your religious, cultural and socio-economic status if you feel comfortable doing so




  1. That's the old candle vrs. firework question. Would you rather live for the moment but its short or live a long boring life.

    Surely you can do both, by doing one you need not sacrifice the other.

    Although maybe it the Christian coming out in me out I think that you must do at least one thing to make the world that  wee bit easier for other people whatever it may be. Brings us closer to the kingdom of God.

    But in saying that it is also very important to be happy in yourself. You may devout your life to serving others and making mankind happier, but in your death bed can you be happy with your own life if you have not enjoyed it?

  2. Through individual happiness (inner peace) a change in mindset, mankind will evolve.

  3. I do not think individuals can be truly happy if they live purely selfishly to the detriment of the planet and the future of mankind.

    By caring for others and the planet, we make ourselves feel good and at the same time ensure the wellbeing of others.

    Those who are very selfish are not happy people anyway, because they have no love in their hearts.

  4. Short Answer: Mankind's (Natural Order)

    Long: I think that unless your passion in life is burning forests & clubbing baby seal (or polar bears), then it's not too hard to find a balance. Life is meant to die & be reborn, not as fast as "man" wishes it was, but natural resources need to be consumed in order to renew the cycle of life. Individual happiness does not have to diminish mankind's lifetime, unfortunately, a small % are clearly only looking for that "individual happiness."

    -middle-class white male, independent, atheist

  5. Individual happiness leads to mankind's lifetime

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