
What is more important for Americans? To learn Spanish as Second Language or, Hebrew as second language?

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Is it more important to learn Latino Culture, Spanish Language and Catholic faith...


Hebrew language, zionist politics, and atheist doctrines?

Is the USA a Christian country?

Do they follow JesusChrist or the Devil ?




  1. Just a little hateful today aren't we?

    Its not an either/or situation, and you can keep your Catholic faith, and your Latino culture without making it the only way to go, since a good many Baptists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Unitarians, Anglicans, Calvinists who also feel that this country and its English language are all we need.

    No one has ever asked us to learn Hebrew or follow Jewish culture or Zionist politics. No one has ever asked us to become Atheistic either.

    Why should we learn the Catholic faith just because you follow it, no wonder we look at the influx of those of Latino extraction with a question mark, you don't want to join us, you want us to join you. And cloaking that in a mix of anti Jewish, anti Israel nonsense manages to overlook the fact that the Arabs the Jews are fighting are also our enemies, Its Arab Muslims who are doing the bombing of Americans and others here and abroad not your much hated Israelis.

    Who do you follow? The Muslims?

  2. If you're going to learn a second language, it's usually out of need.  Sorry, but I had no real need to learn Spanish, but I had a need to learn German (a good portion of older scientific journals are in German, whereas almost no scientific publications are in Spanish).

  3. I think learning Spanish is more important, because there are a lot of Hispanics coming in the USA, and bringing Spanish here. And as for religion, they have the right to pick whichever religion they want.

  4. Neither, English will be spoken here.

  5. in America we enjoy the freedom to worship as we please, or not.  86% of Americans believe Jesus is who he says he was.

    these are widely known statistics.  why do you ask?

  6. If you're representative of the average American, I'd have to say the devil.

  7. Here's a thought....let's make EVERYONE here learn English first and how to speak it properly.  Then we can worry about which 2nd language we should learn.

  8. Spanish without question.

  9. Spanish is more practical, since our neighbors to the south speak that language, and far more people speak it than Hebrew.  

    It is important to learn all of it, so that you may understand many people.

    More people in the USA identify with Christianity than any other religion.

  10. I think it should be illegal to speak Spanish or any other foreign language in the U.S. except for the purpose of learning it for other countries. So you speak it in your class but once you leave it's only English. Why, because America is supposed to be a mixing pot, not several pots. All culture needs to assimilate to the Amerian culture if your going to live in America. A diverse culture is a good thing but diversity in general is bad.

  11. everyone needs to speak english and need to speak it well...

    as far as religion goes.... believe in what you will... but if you try to tell me about it after me telling you i dont want to hear it prepare to deal with a very irate person and remember you brought it on yourself....   organized religion are just cults with more members... what you do in a place of worship and your home is your business... i could care less what you think of my beliefs and i dont want to be force fed yours

  12. Learn English if you come here.

    Americans worship God and the Devil.

  13. Learning Spanish is definitely more important for many Americans than learning Hebrew.  This is probably because Jews only account for 3-4% of America's population (that is an accurate statistic). The US is a Christian country in the sense that it was founded by Christians and its laws, principles, and moral beliefs are rooted in the Christian faith. However, the US is not exclusively Christian and is inclusive to all faiths. I don't understand the last question, but i guess the answer is no, the US does not encourage devil worship.

  14. jesus was a jewish carptener - the poster is an anti christ.

  15. Definitely Spanish.  Yes, we are a Christian culture.  Everyone I know wants to learn Spanish and become more familiar with their culture.  I am not Catholic, but surely Christian.

  16. Definitely Spanish, it's one of the most common languages.

  17. Well given the fact that there are about 50 million spanish speaking people in the US & maybe 25,000 Hebrew speaking people in the US I would have to say Spanish.

  18. Spanish, of course.

    There is no reason to learn Hebrew here as most who speak the language have already learned English and speak Hebrew only at home, if they haven't already dropped it.

  19. Why are you insulting? I'm catholic, Spaniard and I keep living in Spain. So I'm fond of some American people want to learn my native language. But I don' understand  the motive  why you say the  Hebrew are followers of the Devil.  Besides learning any language is fantastic

  20. yes, US is Christian country, it is the armed arm of the faith. Second language is spanish which one day will be the second national language.

  21. What a stupid question! We should all learn English as a first language if we live in the U.S. No more bi-lingual education either unless we want all these people from other countries to never assimilate into our society. Of course, if we keep them talking their native language, we know they will only be qualified to work in restaurants and clean toilets in hotels. There is no correlation between your religion question.

  22. I fail to find any correlation between the questions you asked.

    1) I don't think that either language is more important for Americans to learn. Americans should speak a fair English; other than that (second, third or forth languages)- it is all up to each individual personally and may serve different purposes. Jewish Americans may be more interested in Hebrew, while Latin Americans may be more interested in Spanish.

    2) Again, neither (and I say "neither" while I really don't understand the weird division of two possibilities) is "more important". Each American should learn whatever he wants.

    3) The USA is not a Christian country:

    4) Most of the Americans are Christian, so I'd say Jesus (unless there's some kind of a catch in this question?).

  23. This question made me think.  The first kneejerk impulse is to say: learning spanish would be more practical, of course.

    But if you stop and think about it, we are a nation of individuals who identify ourselves in polls as upwards of 90% Christian.  

    Even our very Constitution --our contract-based groundbreaking form of contract government, and the writings of our founding fathers, to say nothing of the writings of Europe and our 2000-year history of Western civilization-- are all deeply embedded in understanding of the Bible and its historic, literary and philosophical concepts.  

    And that Bible, to understand it fully, should be read and understood in the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic it was written in.  Despite the great faithfulness in translating it into a variety of languages, it would be culturally and spiritually beneficial to understand this cornerstone document of our culture in its original form.  

    It would cause a spiritual revival that would diminish and/or eliminate problems such as drugs, teenage pregnancy, divorce and breakdown of the family, and many other social problems that have emerged because of lost understanding of what our culture is based on.  

    The rise of liberal secularism and exclusion of religious teachings in our schools --[b]MORE than exclusion, an outright contempt for Judao-Christian foundations of our culture[/b]-- and teaching a contempt for Western society in our schools and universities, has vastly eroded our culture.

    And eroded our will to preserve it, as the United States approaches being overwhelmed by hispanic immigration and culture, and Europe is being overwhelmed by Islamic immigration and culture.

    Teaching spanish would accellerate that overwhelming.  Teaching Hebrew would remind us what we are, and help give us the will to preserve our nation and culture.  

    Mazeltov!  [Excellent!]

    I'd highly recommend the book  DEATH OF THE WEST, by Patrick Buchanan, for a good understanding of how the combined forces of secularism and multiculturalism are destroying our culture, and have been for 40 years, and how this is what they had clearly planned from the beginning.  

    The U.S. is a Christian country, more thasn 90% of whom polled identify themselves as Christian.  But they've lost and understanding of what Christianity really is.  Most have a vague personally-formed idea of what "Christian" is, not a uniform, biblically based standard, not a historically and literally-based understanding of Christianity.

    Those who understand their culture will fight to defend it.

    Those who do not will stand by and passively watch it be destroyed.

  24. I agree with Marianne.  Totally stupid questions. First Americans should learn English.  Second who cares about religion as a basis for a Country.  Religion is a personal right and our nation was founded on the basis of personal religious freedom. As such it makes no difference how a person chooses to form beliefs that can not be supported by absolute fact and are basically supported by personal faith.

  25. Jesus Christ was a Jewish Rabi. So if you claim all Jews are are of the Devil; then you are claiming Jesus is of the Devil. And Jesus did not come here to start  a new religion; but to fix the Jewish one. In Matthew 5 he requires us not to forget any of the Commandments. There are 306 Commandments plus a few new ones Jesus brought/gave to us. Do you know all of these Commandments, even the few we don't have to obey today?

    There is still a Jewish religion that believes Jesus was/is the Christ,(as the bible says they met in the Synagogues in the evening) so you are hating ones that do believe in Christ.

    The Catholic church did not get started until 305/6 A.D. But today it will not even admit to that. It has put Pride before God, Jesus, and Truth.

    Nor was the Catholic church the first religion; just the first big one that decide NOT to obey all Jesus said. Too much effort for them


  27. Ther are many more latin speakers in the world; they are from many different geographies and cultures... they hold great promise... we are America... of the America's the next imporant languages here are Spanish, Portugues, and French.

    Hebrew I'm sure is a very lovely ancient language with limited modern usage. No doubt it is important to understanding and also learning Arabic. Semetic languages in philology must be related. If one doesnt have an extreme religious need for Hebrew or Arabic, these become important languages only to the extent that we as America have business, and diplomatic contacts with these regions. Afterall it is also 2007, not only are there human translators but there are computer translations as well.

    Peace,Paz,  Shalom, Salom

  28. You learn Spanish first.

    Hebrew later.


  29. The American people learn what they want. It is called America (Last time I checked) If you dont want to learn English then get out. I hate waiting extra time at McD's to get my food cause Hector cant speak MY COUNTRIES native language.

    Second we were founded as a christen/catholic country but the job of fredom of religion is you can worship whatever you would like. So Worship whatever you want and have a nice day :)

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