
What is more important for an artist -- originality or skill?

by Guest62922  |  earlier

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Are new ideas and new ways of portraying a subject more important or less important that the actual skill or technique of an artist?




  1. To me, both are equally important. You need skill to get recognized and originality to get a well known.  

  2. I think it is both.  It just depends on who's eye you are after :o)

  3. well I think skill and technique of an artist are very helpful, but I think new ideas and originality is more important, because I use art to express creativity, my thoughts and feelings mostly, not my skills.  

  4. For an artist, you'll do your bit to your best of your ability.Thats the only way it is.

    That way you know how unique things will come up.

    Every skills can be find unique, do it own your way always.

  5. I think it was picasso who said "to be a great artist you must be a great thief."

  6. Sigh...the answer is Originality first Skill second. at least thats the answer for me and tons of great artists out there. I guess there are some artists out there who have developed skill first and one day originality fell on their lap but I have never met one who went that way. I have however met plenty of artists who have developed a lot of skill but the subject matter was just so boring it wasn't worth the time invested on learning it all in my opinion.

  7. The presence of BOTH is important. Originality with no skills is worthless. Same is true for the skills with no originality.  

  8. Commercially I think skill is more important than Originality.That's's why the media is full of the same, tired, over-used ideas in commercials, ads, etc.

    Personally, I believe Originality is more important. A person or group of persons may not have the best "skill" but if they demonstrate their idea, get it across without explanation and is an original concept, I will stop and say "wow".

  9. Go into modern non-rhyming poetry, where u need neither.

  10. skill: an ability that has been acquired by training

    originalty:The capacity to act or think independently.

    As an artist I would say originalty,most artist are free spirits and opened minded.

    Its important to use your skills to be Original!

  11. Technique can be learned.  Skill can be improved.  Originality, you have to be born with.

    That's not to say they aren't all important.  Just some are easier to gain than others.  Superb technique can compensate for less originality, and vice versa.  

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