
What is more important than Truth?

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What is more important than Truth?





  2. Reality.

  3. Most things are more important as who ever decides what Truth is can be questionable.

  4. forgiveness

  5. Humanity and beauty.

    After all what is truth?

    500 years ago the world was flat, that's the truth,

    200 years ago it was impossible for man to fly, that was the truth,

    truth is infallible because the people who decide what the truth is, are also infallible.

  6. Compassion.

  7. Nothing.  If people are honest with each other all the rest follows.  Truth is not the same as malicious honesty with intent to hurt but straight dealing in all things.

  8. knowing that truth isnt everything.

  9. an infallible objective truth is the most important thing to me. what's more important is something subjective and there is no definite answer to that. truth plays the most important role in my life.

  10. What is more important than Truth?

    Trust, Loyality, Faith, and forgivness

  11. NOTHING!!!

    The reason you asked it is because you seak confirmation.

    "You" already know that there is nothing more important than truth!

    "YOU" asked this because someone is trying to convince you otherwise...

    Reading here will get you the opinions of a mass perspective. Here is not where you find the answer to "THIS" question.

    Everyday you see it, everyday you ask will be a day you ignore the very thing that allows you to "BE"


  12. Life, love, truth, wealth.  What are you people thinking?  You cannot have one without the rest.  You can hold an illusion of one or another, you can have a poor substitute for one or another, but you cannot really have any one at the expense of the others.  They are all part of the same moral philosophy.  

    Values don't come singly.  Your values have to be a consistent and inter-related set.

  13. NOTHING ,,, because it makes the fundamental part of a ''chain'' ... I mean   truth makes trust, trust makes friends, relationships. patnership, love truth makes everything better,, now visualize these chain but from the other perspective ,, lies, no of these would exist if is changed it's actual reality.

  14. Truth is only the key

  15. Engtenment, and  understanding how everything interwine

  16. knowing the out come of what the truth could cause.

  17. Nothing is more important.

    The Truth is something we don't want to hear but we need to face it in order to make the right choices and not be enslaved to our fears.

  18. It is more important to QUESTION any CLAIMS about Truth!

    "Follow those who seek the truth, but beware of those who claim to have found it!"

  19. Size.

    The universe is huge and almost intangible. Think if we were only a part of another huge universe.

  20. Probably the gases that fuel the stars.

  21. Nothing since Jesus is the Truth. He is also Love too.

  22. the more important is how do u handle the truth...

  23. Love

    but truth is found in Love

    not the conditional love, or the love with attachments, or as a form of liking, but Universal Loving Kindness.

  24. life

    a sincere love of truth is also important but so is understanding consequences of actions related to discovering which truth is the ultimate truth.

    (from wiki)

    The meaning of the word extends from honesty, good faith, and sincerity in general, to agreement with fact or reality in particular.

  25. Comfortable shoes.

    * Greybear... you're right, and it's so obvious, I opted for something tangible.  No point in being in pain while all that comes together.

  26. Sincerity

  27. Love.It's easier to live in error than to have no love in your life.

  28. Any other thing that is, at a certain point in your life, more important than Truth. This is the truth, I swear!

  29. Love, but truth comes along with that.

  30. NINJAS, pandas, unicorns, unipandacorns, soccer, tennis, VIOLIN, Formula 1, GOLLUM,


  31. The Truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth

    Keep your lying a secret


    Living your life to the fullest

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