
What is more important to women? Being in love or being loved?

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I know they are not mutually exclusive. Reciprocity is the norm. But, all of us have had unrequited love or have sometimes rejected love from someone. So, its a fair question. Like in a relationship, would you prefer your partner loved you even though you didn't as much or the other way round?




  1. I'd have to say neither. It's an impossible dichotomy.

    But if I had to choose...

    To love without being loved in return is heartbreaking.

    To be loved and not love in return is awkward and embarrassing.

    It also means you are breaking the heart of your partner.

    I have to say that I'd rather be in love. I'd rather be able to know my own hurt and to sooth myself rather than deal with the pain of another that I've caused.  

  2. I would rather not be loved and not be in love than be in a one-way situation like that. It hurts to love someone that doesn't feel the same, and it hurts having to tell someone that you don't love them that way. If i had to pick one, though, i'd be a martyr and go with loving someone that didn't love me back.

  3. Having experienced unrequited romance, I'd rather love than be loved. I hate the responsibility and guilt of experiencing the alternative.

    But I have to say, I would end any relationship that felt unbalanced like that. It'd just be painful for both of us.

  4. i would want to be loved, rather than love.

  5. I can't choose between the two.

    I could neither be in a relationship where I am in love with a man who doesn't feel the same, nor would it be fair to be in a relationship where a man is in love with me but does not receive the love he deserves.  I don't want to cause or recieve that kind of heartache.

    A healthy relationship is based on mutual love and respect.

  6. I have always prefered to be in love, but my mother told me that marrieage works better if the man loves the woman a little bit more.  Based on her divorce record - none - and mine - one - I think she is probably right.

  7. Getting money.

  8. I don't think I could stay in a relationship where it is not mutual. I much prefer the reciprocity.

    If I had to choose, I would want them to love me more. It hurts so much when you love someone and they don't love you back. I've been through that before and there a few things that are so hard to deal with. Granted, I don't want the other person to have to go through that, but being honest I'd want them to love me more.

  9. I think being loved is important because even though me and my previous bf are not together it still feels good to be loved after being in one can ever change that.  

  10. I want to be loved. Being in love seems more fleeting. And I think and hope my guy knows I love him with all my heart.

  11. both are important i guess..!!

  12. being loved is more important to me....i would prefer my partner love me even though i didnt love him as much

  13. loving themselves

  14. When I have been in love with someone who does not feel the same way toward me, it's painful, but I admit I also get some pleasure from it. The desire itself is pleasurable. Which is why it is so hard to break away.

    But when someone is in love with me and I don't feel anything toward him, it's easy for me to get rid of him.

    That's the way it is for me, for better or worse.

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