
What is more important to you - your team in the FA CUP Final vs promising to take your gf out on her b'day?

by  |  earlier

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lets assume the dates clash, the times clash, infact kick off occurs at the exact time you're meant to be at the table you've book, the best one at the joint - its her b'day and you don't want to let her down.

the thing is, your pride and joy, your LIFE, your football team are playing in the FA CUP Final.

So which one is it ? an entire day out with the lass at a fancy restaurant or the game ?




  1. fa cup final its a no brainer.................

  2. She'll have other birthdays.

  3. For me, I'd choose to watch the FA Cup Final anyday.

    I can't speak for what you'd do. That's your choice. Don't base your choice on mine.

    Hope you make the right decision.

  4. Typical Kopite question.

    Another girlie question from a Liverpool supporter.

    I can't believe a man would ask such a feminine question.

    Please return to the singles and dating section, i feel ashamed for you.

  5. Got to be the restaurant

    My team would win, and id score anyway with the girl!

    thus, double the pleasure

    oh...and wembley has no atmosphere lol


  7. My team in the FA cup final. Taking her to the game and then to a good restaurand at the end of the game will also serve the same purpose. I'd tell her I've got a suprise for her; take her to the game and then to a restaurant am sure she'll love.

  8. hmmm,,

    well its her birthday,,

    if it was just a date it would be fine to chose football,,

    i'd chose footy over my bf :) lol

    but on her birthday you should go out with her,,

    oor you could say can we go out after the game,,

    go see her in the morning,,

    give her a present,,

    watch footy,,

    go out for her birthday :)

    she should be happy with that,,


    and yeh wembly does have noo atmosphere,,

    i went to watch the community sheild game,,

    and it was a bit shizz,,


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