
What is more irritating, stupid questions or this one?

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What is more irritating, stupid questions or this one?




  1. jonas/miley/selena questions

  2. this has sense, stupid questions are totally senseless,useless and for idiots only..hehehe

  3. I don't find any question irritating,I just skip the ones that I don't find interesting,my mood dictates which questions I answer,I like yaps because [for the most part]yapers are fun and have much tolerence to Idiots of my ilk,lol

  4. anything easy to answer is not irritating. what is annoying are rude questions.

  5. Wait... is there a difference? ;)

  6. There are no stupid questions only that some have become redundant with over-use - they keep appearing time and again, those same questions.  What I find stupid, however, are some answers that are way off mark; answers that rant, are derogatory and senseless.

    About your do you rate it?  Is it interesting or stupid? Well, it could be interesting to have caught our attention and found ourselves answering it.  hehe

  7. as a matter of fact, i like stupid questions like this one, lol!  not stupid really, senseless perhaps, but still interesting...

    .....otherwise i wouldn't have bothered to post a reply.:)

  8. I just saw a stupid question a while ago..a girl is asking for some dare for their truth or dare game posted in the Men's Health category..


    Stupid questions irritate me! This isn't stupid..

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