
What is more likely? UFO's being future human live traveling through time or alien life form?

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Could it be possible that UFO's are humans many societies into the future traveling through time or is it alien life form traveling through the vast space and time of the universal who are much more advanced than we are.

Other ideas?




  1. i guess alien life form. there could be organisms that live on places other than Earth, and i dont think time travels possible. but idk, i dont know much about this topic XD srry

  2. I wrote these articles to say how I feel about it:

  3. both

  4. E.A.R.T.H.   Has records of 3,786 Alien Landings on earth since 1921 .Some are humans traveling thru space at super lightspeed . Some are aliens from the spatanius universe 3 universes away from ours. Others are agnegians from scorpious galaxy in the oito universe.

  5. Aliens most likely. I don't think Humans would go back in time unless it was really important because they could mess up the future.

  6. The most likely explanation of UFOs is and has always been secret military aircraft being tested.  While the F-117a was still top secret there would be a big spike in UFO reports coinciding with a test flight of the aircraft.  This would explain why there are no credible photos or video of alien beings themselves.

  7. Dude!!Wdf were you thinking asking this question theyre obviously from another planet DUH

  8. Given the statistical probabilities, it is more likely that Humans have somehow found a method of temporal displacement.

    Both are possible.

  9. scientist say that the faster we go the slower time is. so if we go rlly fast we can go in the past. but the only thing we can do in that method is stop time. its like a video. they have frames that are pictures. but when u put them together is shows a movin image.

    so its more likely that they is alien life form

  10. i beleive its the time travel because it makes sense. Some people think no, cuz then why wouldnt they just come tell us

    ? because of the time paradox. Like they can change the future by just one little thing, so the least they can do is to observe us, find out our past mistakes. the abductions of cows and ppl r probably cuz cows r extinct or something there, and theres a disease in the future that only something humans had in the past could heal

  11. Interesting question but strangely worded.

    The only way that UFO's can be the humans of the future is if they had built some sort of time machine and activated it many thousands of years ago, since that's when the earliest UFO sightings were. However, this would mean that there is a advanced developed human life-form living secretly and accessing the time machine to go back in time to our present time (which is now).

    This is obviously impossible and nonense.

    I definetely believe that alien life forms exists. However many idiots on this website don't. tsk tsk tsk skeptics.

    Theres even proof of alien life thru the many UFO sightings and of course the infamous Area 51.

    Email me I know lots about this stuff.

  12. Both, I think we ( humans ) discovered time travel during the Philadelphia experiment.

    But now, it seems people from the future, might be guiding us. Which might be a bad thing.

    So, how do you  out smart a time traveler?

  13. neither! when was the last time u saw a UFO?

  14. Both are equally naive

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