
What is more painful: tweezing or threading?

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I have gotten threading done and it doesn't hurt me, but I wanted to tweeze at home now instead. Does this hurt more than threading, how do I make the pain less? How would you rate the pain on a scale of 1-10?




  1. Tweezing is more painful. I thread my own eyebrows because i cant stand the pain of having to take out every single hair out at once.

  2. i never tried threading. but tweezing isnt that bad your tears would eventually come out.only a drop but thats because its the beginning.once your use to it.its not painful at all

  3. i do both. i go threading and weeks later when the hair has grown back, i tweeze to maintain it. i think it helps to put ice on ur brow to numb the area n then start tweezing. it gets bearable after a few times. i would say overal pain rating for tweezing is 3/10.


  4. the best time to pluck your eyebrows is right after you get out of the shower so your pores are open and it hurts less or you can put some baby orajel to numb the pain a bit but if you just pluck them without using any of these methods it dosent really hurt it just depends on where your plucking. like it hurt plucking above them and towards your nose i would rate the pain like a two or a three but anywhere else a one.

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