
What is more powerful spoken magic or written magic?

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What is more powerful spoken magic or written magic?




  1. Both, but the merit of the individual magic in question, COUNTS most of all.

  2. Spoken is stronger because the words go out into space and form the action

  3. In my own personal opinion, Spoken is more powerful, only if you are focused directly on the spell. Written is also effective if you want something done in a hurry!

  4. Magic exists in the mind, It is use full only for focusing the emotional energy of a person or people. It is the actions of those who believe that have a physical impact on the world, not the "spell" itself. Ritualization helps to connect many people with a shared belief, that is what gives Magic and Religion power in the physical world.

  5. Are you serious... ok....spoken???

  6. neither. no such thing as magic. is this a serious question?

  7. They both don't work equally well.

  8. I can't believe all of these people who say there is no magic! OMG! Are you people serious? Of course written magic is by far the strongest magic...white or black? alot depends on the kind of magic your trying to use and how strongly you believe in what your trying to do...

  9. such thing as magic dude.

  10. depends on faith

  11. Spoken magic of course! Why write something down on paper when you can scream it at the top of your lungs? Many magic is already written down, and then read aloud. But creating your own spells verbally seems much more intimidating.

  12. Spoken is awesome but wight is forever

  13. Spoken is better for fast spells and written is better for stronger spells, but require much more time and preperation. I know, because I've tried it :P

  14. The most powerful magic is any of them done with real intent and wisdom of practices.  Its "who" is sending the message, not how the message is sent.

  15. spoken works, but as I get older, I do a better job with the written Christmas lists!

    Santa C

    (Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause, and he is magical!)

  16. Magic is in form a ritual, in practice an art. The magician is an artist and the more in-tune the ritual and the magician, the stronger the outcome. Use your most powerful form of expression- which are you more in tune with, writing or speech? Have you considered poetry? Music? Dance? Even painting can be very powerful- consider the power of Native American and Tibetan sand paintings?

  17. Both are equally ineffective because it is all rubbish. There is no spell, written or spoken, that can be consistently reproduced in a controlled setting. If there is, please share.

  18. It's actually a combination of the two serving the practitioners intention! The Sigil <seal> embodies the symbolic representation of the abstract, pictorial or semi-abstract form of the intention while the incantation acoustically vibrates the physical  matter<atoms> that communicate it to the universe.

    The will transforms the intention that is focused via the Sigil and communicated via the incantation.

    The written work of the incantation itself has no magical power until it is vocalized and made physical.

  19. If you mean in a metaphysical sort of way... there are many kinds of magic and different ways of using it works better for different kinds and styles. Sometimes writing and speaking is just not what it needs. Sometimes intention and force of will is more fitting. Also, spoken and written magic are different things entirely- spoken magic relates more to the element of water, while written magic is more earth-based. Depending on what sort of person you are, one or the other should be easier or more effective for you. Also, neither one is actually stronger in an objective way- magic tends to be subjective and different for everyone. So, try both and see which one you feel more comfortable using> Don't use one or the other exclusively, though.

  20. that's like comparing apples and oranges, they really serve different functions.

  21. Written

  22. Written magic is the most powerful. Written can last longer, but sometimes, some magic that is needed, like some certain kind of spell, can only be performed as a verbal spell.

  23. More energy is required to speak than is to write.  In my experience the spoken is much more powerful, but one should trifle with neither the written nor the though.

  24. Belief is the power of all magic, so whatever inspires you to believe is the most powerful for you.


  25. Boths forms lack any actual power...

  26. words are powerful.  they have vibration.  and that vibration enters the universe who serves us well.

  27. from the 2 choices,first i would say the spoken one,

    the reason for this is because it is kind of externalizing

    the intention using an in mutable law of the universe,vibration

    therefore, releasing the  intentional energy outside from the inside would be more effective ,however written is effective also ,but is like a first step because is kind of ´feeding´ your

    mind to release after wards, kind of  a process

  28. You can't be serious.  This has got to be the most ridiculous question I have ever come across.

  29. Written magic especially when it's from the IRS. Please, please join us in the 21st century and dump the superstitions.

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