
What is more practical to do? Why?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently in college taking up Information Technology and is enrolled in a course which requires us to interview a company. We have an old company which has some information already. But all of a sudden, the contact person of that company is not answering anymore.

During our System defense we were not able to defend the project well because at the middle of the term the contact person did not respond.

Here are the Pros and Cons:


- We still have time to find a new company and conduct interviews.

- We can have accurate information and assure that the contact person will be available this time.


- We have to start the whole project again. ( the project consist of papers about the company and a developed IT system for them)

- We will be cramming since all will be due in 3 months at most.

Advice please.. if you would go for a new company can I also request for what company you have in mind? Thanks a lot people! :)




  1. Have you considered contacting someone else in the company.  Your contact person may be ill, have taken another job, etc.

  2. I'd offer up my company and our services, but we're small enough that we have one working computer and have little to no need for IT.

    Dependent upon how much interviewing needs to be done, I'd almost venture a guess at starting over.  Without really knowing how much work is actually involved it is hard to say.  

  3. Don't know if companies are really able to disclose their IT system characteristics due to security; particularly when students are often the best hackers.  I would not start over.  Instead fill in what's missing by using interviews from another company.  Tell them what you have and ask their advice to develop a system.  They also may be unable to give a lot of time to you so be concise.  

    Don't know if this is a good plan.  At least it's an idea that may be useful.

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