
What is more "ghetto" ?

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risking being reported for whatever reason anyone might find...but still

What was actually more "ghetto"...

- Michelle and Barak fist bump.


- "Yo Harper!" George Bush introduction of Canadian PM at an international meeting.




  1. Don't know!!

  2. I'd have to ask what your definition of ghetto is? If it has to do with a person's level of education and economic status I'd go with the "Yo Harper!" The fist bump thing has been done all across the board.

  3. This question is pretty ghetto.....and extremely LAME!

  4. The Obama "fist bump."  The Bush use of black mannerisms was merely white New England/Texas ignorance.

  5. It was "Yo Blair", not "Yo Harper" - unless W's been saying "Yo" more than I realised.

    Seeing as rich white kids do both of these things (though not to PMs), neither of them are very ghetto.

  6. Yo Harper..The M &B was too close to the mark.

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