
What is more useful, a spoon or a fork?

by  |  earlier

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both are amazing, but only one can be king. and no "spork"

answers, we all know sporks are dumb.




  1. I love how people read the question before they answer.

    But I dont think sporks are dumb tho.


  2. No spork answers? You just invalidated half of the Internet.

    Forks are more useful, as you can use them for piercing ears when you heat them.

  3. Spoon.  Why?  You can always get by with a spoon even if the food would be be better eaten with a fork.

    Try eating yogurt with a fork.  You can do it but it will take your forever.

  4. A spork is better!!!

  5. Hmm...I'd go with a spoon- but this may be personal preference.

    EDIT: It's cracking me up that someone is "thumbing down" forks!  Forks are BAD!!  ha ha ha...

  6. I would say a spoon. Because you can scoop up things that you would normally use a fork with. And you can eat soup and stuff with them.

  7. A fork.  It's edges allow you to use it as a knife, it's teeth are close enough together that you can use it like a spoon for things such as rice, and you can pick things up with it as it's natural use as a fork.

  8. Fork, you can drink the soup from the edge of a bowl

  9. Definitely a fork. If someone is trying to take your food away from you, you can also use it as a weapon

  10. spork as you only have to buy 1 set. For formal stuff, buy the fork and spoon.

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