
What is most advantages to obtaining an apprenticeship certificate?

by Guest64190  |  earlier

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What is most advantages to obtaining an apprenticeship certificate?




  1. There may be a union membership which can give fringe benefits such as vacation time, possible pension or such.  Some say that entry into such a program is competitive and that it's better if one knows a person already with the union.  A person also must take a test as one of the prereq's to acceptance into the union.

    For general career info about apprenticeship programs: and search jobs that tend to train with the union such as 'pipelayers and plumbers', 'electricians', or such.  There should be additional info at the end of each entry.

    Just fyi, if deciding to pursue one of those technical, hands-on careers and not try to get a union apprenticeship, please steer clear of those private $$ career schools and instead opt for the county vo-tech school or community college (perhaps non-credit course).

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