
What is most important. love,life,money?

by Guest45180  |  earlier

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What is most important. love,life,money?




  1. life ..

    it will give u love and money

  2. None. They all have their importance at different phases of our life.

  3. life

  4. Life all the way i can earn money and i do love and what goes around comes around!

  5. money is most part of life

  6. LOVE

  7. Life. Without life ( you are not living ), you cannot love. Without a life, you cannot work for money.

  8. and begin from there...

  9. Life, love then money.

  10. LOVE, HEALTH, WEALTH, PEACE and HARMONY are important in LIFE

  11. Honest Love...

  12. Life....cozzz only a living thing can love others and earn money

  13. Money can't buy love.

    Money can't buy life.

    It may be able to buy a better chance at a longer life, through medical means, but when life is through, it's pretty much through.

    Money can buy stuff, which provides happiness, which is fleeting.

    Love, on the other hand is a feeling. That resides deep within you. People or places can evoke love, memories can evoke love, Animals can evoke love, life can indeed evoke love.

    Just Being can be a source of love. Self love, and love of others, reflects out  into the world and goes a lot further, ecnouraging others to do the same. Love goes alot farther than life or money. Love can go on for ever, from generation to generation. It is love which creates life, which will keep regenerating and become larger which each succesive life it creates. My answer to your very thought-provoking question is Love.

  14. All are important , if you want live good life need money , if you have money , you need love to have happy life, if you have love then you need money to enjoy a peaceful life . So everything has its own important. All are connected with oneanother.

  15. none; laughter

  16. LIFE!

  17. many people have said life is important i f u have life then u can have love and money

    but my friend if there i no money your life is h**l

  18. God gave us all the gift of LIFE. What is it to love or have money if not there be life? It is nothing...

  19. I agree, because if you are dead you cant love or use your money.  So the answer is LIFE.

  20. Love.  Always love.

  21. Love because without Love-life and money are worthless.

  22. life because .. life is every thing ..if you have life you have every thing love and money ..

  23. Definitely life can't be equated with any material things.

    Money is not everything. Its only a thing that can be earned or love can be find by good life.


  24. Most Important is Life.Then comes Love and Last is Money.

  25. money can bring you anything even it will stand with you as everything friend,power,life,love

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