
What is multiculturalism?

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And what is your opinion of the idea of living in a multiculturalim society?




  1. Decode this lyrics "Stranger in strange land"

    Just different tribes of different community living together getting kick on the butts without being aware on being short-change by the ruling community.

    Being oppress with slavery by the ruling community with cheap-skate glory in idol worshiping the dead Mummy with empty skeleton of skull and bones of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God without being aware of it.

    Leviticus 24.22

    Exodus 22.21

    Exodus 23.9

    Leviticus 19.33-34

    Leviticus 25.17

    With all the cheap-skate ghostly stories on glory of multi-culturalism as success.

    Luke 8.10,17

    Look in the real world.

    How Judas crown themselves as king of the jew with crown of thorns and two empty hands with two balls.

    Leviticus 4. 13, 22

    What do you think?

  2. In each of our houses we speak a certain language and eat certain foods and follow certain traditions.

    When we leave our house, we step out into the Mainstream.  

    in the end, what we have in common is the best from all of our cultures.

  3. Group Hugs.

  4. Celebrate Diversity.

    That is the stupidest slogan I have ever heard and I think MLK and Abe Lincoln would agree.  Don't celebrate differences among each other, celebrate simliarities.  We are all far more alike than we are different.

  5. The term multiculturalism generally refers to a de facto state of both cultural and ethnic diversity within the demographics of a particular social space.

    I'm a Mauritian and here we are a Multicultural society with people of all origins and religion. Hindu,Christian,Muslim,Buddhist,Marathi,... and some other religion are present here.

    It's very enriching to live here, you learn other culture everyday through friends and religious festivities. I'll said people are more tolerant and do not ignore other culture.

  6. multiculturism is my apartment building,,,

    I hate it, people from other countries make stinky stinky food that smells like dead bodies, wear turbins dont wash their hair, the men dress like women and the women look like ugly hairy men, and the ching chong chings all have really bad hair it just bothers me, like do something with that fuzz head already

  7. Multiculturalism is where you live  in a soceity that has numerous cultures, this is both good and bad. for example it expands teh genetic pool, on the bad side it creats many small pockets of ethnic groups, that may caus etrouble with other ethnic groups established in area or may demand sppecial funding form government. Good thing u get to try new things

  8. It's the way in which the Democratic party and its liberals disguise their anti-nationalism. They have this crazy notion that nationalism is a terrible harmful thing.

    However, when one lives in any given country and then wants to spread the message to the citizens of that country that they should not have pride in their country, or at least don't make it too publicly obvious. That generaly doesn't go down too well. On account of the fact that most people are not that "Whacked"!

    So instead, true to liberal Democrat sneaky, snakey, alterior motive hiding character, they propagate their socialist, often downright communist, ideas through  repackaging old whacked products that nobodys buying.

    They think that if citizens have pride in their country this ultimately leads to all out war. In fact the villifying of nationalism is perhaps the biggest contributor to the disgusting, now all too commonly seen and heard attitude that America is the villain for which to automaticaly blame first for most of the worlds problems.  

    This has become a common attitude within America. Not surprisingly though, I personaly have yet to hear it from anyone other than Democrats.  

    Also, there is no shortage of violence within America itself. Citizen against citizen. Are we to believe that it's as a result of American nationalism. It's as a result of the fact that it's the way mankind has always been. And the same forces at work that cause violence amongst citizens are the same ones at work when their results are on a grander scale, war.  

    There are variations of course. In fact, contrary to their belief that the suppression of Nationalism will in turn suppress violence. The failure to pursue a policy of encouraging the assimilation of ethnic peoples on every level, with the hopes of creating a scenario in which every one sees themselves and eachother as the same as eachother, in that everyone is simply American.

    But the constant emphasis on focusing sharply upon the distinctive differences between the citizens is induced by the now popular culture of multiculturalism.

    However, it inevitably also makes the differences between citizens in regards to race, something boldly pronounced. Simply from the fact that different cultures come from different races.

    Where I live, in racialy diverse Southern California, it can often be seen that this agressively pushed social policy of magnifying the cultural, thus also racial differences, has in fact created a situation in which now, instead of a unified people seeing eachother as one, under one national banner. There are a variety of racialy catagorized groups each with their own "nationalistic" passions.

    What the actual results of having actively pursued the removal of one nationalist view has spawned a plural amount of empassioned nationalistic groups. Very often, the friction and violence in So. California has racialy motivated origins.

    I personaly have experienced that when there is a social setting in which all persons present are fully assimilated into American way of life, and it's English language as well as a commonly shared pride in being Americans. Then there does flourish an apreciation for one anothers varied racial and cultural backrounds.

    This occures with a curious interest when there has previously been found a common ground and a sense of national likeness to one another. It is something that has been going on in the military forever. Mostly, if not entirely as a result of a strong "national" unity.

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