
What is my 40 yard dash? And any advice on how to increase my 40?

by Guest45321  |  earlier

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I raced someone today and i was about a yard behind him, and he runs a 4.7. When i ran it a couple years ago it was a 5.1 but it was windy and my start was wack, i know im faster than that. Its somewhere between a 4.7 and 5.1?? Thanks...and any advice on how to get it faster. Not the start, just to be faster at sprinting 40 yards




  1. Run it again and get timed.

    For short term improvement, have an experienced sprinter watch you sprint. They could give you advice on how to get a more efficient sprinting technique. Proper technique and form could reduce your 40 time drastically.

    For the long term, two words: parallel squat.

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