
What is my Pomeranians problem?

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My little 5 mo. old pom, Fia, is VERY attached to me. She's super smart, and can sit, stay and high five. She's housebroken, too. But everytime I try to sleep with her, first she does this little scratching thing on the sheets, and the next thing I know, I'm feeling a warm wet sensation bcause she just peed on the bed! Always right next to me!!! Why does she do this and what can I do?




  1. Take her for a walk before bed so she can pee.

  2. It's a just a little baby she doesn't know better

  3. when it pees on the bed scald it and put it down. that'll teach it. my pom learned how to sit in one night. they are smart dogs.  mine quit pissing on the bed after it was about 2 months old. it should have stopped doing that already

  4. Well, first off you can keep her from peeing on you by crating her at night.  She should be crated at night until she's properly potty trained anyway.  And secondly, you're setting yourself to have a bratty dog by allowing her to sleep in the bed with you.  

    Poms can get over protective and turn into yapping little terrors if you don't make sure they know their place in the pack.  Allowing it to sleep in your bed tells it you are not the leader of the pack.  

    So read up on crate training a pup for potty training and don't allow the pup to sleep in your bed anymore.  Then the peeing in your bed problem will be immediatly solved.

  5. You must really love your dog if you are letting it pee on you every night.  

  6. I have a dog with the same problem. I would guess that, if she's like my dog, she gets so excited by being able to sleep with you, she can't hold in the pee anymore. I'm not quite sure how to train her out of it...with our dog we just had to let her out constantly and she just got over it as she got older....I'm sorry! This was totally not helpful!

  7. She needs more housebreaking training, so she knows that outside is where she's supposed to do her business. Just before bedtime is good.

    That said, some dogs mark territory this way. My female dachsie Lucy is seven now and she still does this sometimes when she feels jealous of the other two dogs.

  8. She is saying that your bed is her territory with you.

    And that she doesn't wanna share it with any other dogs.

    Thats a good reason why Poms need to have a personal kennel that they sleep in.

  9. It can be that she has to go out

    if you have taken her out it could be because she has a bladder infection. She could be trying to tell you something

    or it could be a learnt behavour.

    if you take her to the vet and it is not and infection you might want to consider to make her stay in another room for awhile.

  10. before you have to go to sleep you should let her out for about maybe 5-10 min. just to make sure shes done and see if it gets better.

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