
What is my best option?

by  |  earlier

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My boy is almost 9 yrs old and would like to join a baseball team. He has never played the sport beside your father and son throwing the ball around. What would be my options? What other thing should he and I work on? My main point is for him to have fun.




  1. just train a month before tryouts

    buht dont push him to hard

    make it fun for him

  2. just tell him to try hard and have fun:)

  3. Well, you could get him onto the local recreation team or probably get into an amateur league team, and just let him be. Don't train him or 'nothin, and just let him do what he can and have some fun out there.

  4. Catch and throw is the main thing you should should train him atleast a month in advance and work on hitting after he gets catching than throwing down

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