
What is my bettas problem!?

by Guest66818  |  earlier

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Alrightt.. so he used to live a little teeny tiny bowl, which stressed him out and he bit his tail. After some research I realized it was probably because his living conditions sucked p**p.

He now lives in a 5 gallon heated, filtered tank with two plants and a cave.

He let his fins grow almost completely back and then he started biting them again! (I have watched him do this the stupid little guy)

The waters fine. I checked the PH, nitrate, ammonia all that. Its all good.

So what the heck is his problem?! How can I get him to stop? Its such a shame because he was such a beautiful betta!




  1. That is a shame...some bettas are just 'tailbiters' - there are several theories as to why they do it. Some believe it's from stress, some believe it's from boredom, and so on. I personally own 2 tailbiters, and I've tried just about everything to get them to stop - they just like taking chunks out of their tail. If your boy was biting from stress before, he may just be continuing to do it out of habit.

  2. its either habitual, or, sorry to say, it may be due to mental handicaps.a lot of times, people inbreed fish to get a certain trait, with the fish's mind paying the price. this happens mostly with albino fish, or with fish, like betta, who are bred for their long fins. if its just habit, it probably started from stress, and carried on. actually, betta can be in the tank with other fish. this might help the betta a bit. if you got a cory cat or 2, and a couple guppies, the fish will have company

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