Okay, I have a 1 1/2 year old Cockatiel, all of the sudden he is doing the strangest things! He has always been so sweet, gives me kisses, sits on my shoulder, walks around the house and comes to you when you call him, loves my long haired Chihuahua and now, he is like He*#! He whistles all time and says his name but now, when I am trying to watch a movie or having a conversation with someone, he screetches and whistles louder and louder, when I stop talking or push mute on the t.v., he stops, and he laughs at me..lol it is funny but it is getting irritating! Also just this last week, he started doing something strange with one of his hanging treats in the cage, he will sit on his perch with one foot grasping the toy (the other on the perch), he pulls it to him, he puffs his chest feathers out and rocks back and forth as if he is trying to mate with this treat...it is funny also, but I am not sure what he is doing, is this normal? is this puberty or what? He is my 1st bird.