
What is my dream telling me.. i had it like 4 months ago and never forgot it?

by  |  earlier

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im in my house. some girl whos like creepy looking wants me and is like calling me. i yell and "wake up" but im still in the dream. my dad sleeps in my room while i sleep in his. the next morning hes dead in the shower ( i dont know where my mom and sister went) and shes calling me into the closet and grabs my hand and shes pulling me in. i escape and i run out side . around the block ( some pizza guy passes by ) and i keep running get to my aunts house. terrified. and tell her everything (she is very religious ) and she tells me "thats the blahblah ( i forgot the word she said ) it follows you forever" and i turned arond and the little girl was outside the window similing. and i woke up from my dream.




  1. It seems like your trying to escape something that has a hold of you, for example; it could be a g/f  who has you under her thumb or your parents who may be too controlling.

    But hey it could be something entirely different, and beleive that when it comes to defining dreams, its really dependant on the situation of the individual in their life and what their intuition is telling them.

    Anyway hope that may help you a  bit

  2. i dont think theres any way to tell what your dreams are about. maybe go to a pro fortune teller or something?

  3. It is possible this is a demonic dream. Might I suggest that you pray especially before going to bed asking Jesus Christ to protect you from all harm and danger and to cleanse your dream. If this problem still persists ask a pastor for his advice.

  4. get one of those dream books that tell you what your dreams are about. because i know it means SOMETHING when someone dies but im not sure what.

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