
What is my golden retriever thinking when i talk to him and he looks in my eyes

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i love my golden retriever but i talk to him like if he is a person and we love to tease each other my dog is a goofball type of dog but smart so when i pet him he smiles at me and kisses me so what do u think he is trying to tell me and when i am crying he runs right to me so what that mean also i need this question ask by people who work in a vet




  1. He always thinks of his next meal :)

  2. Most likely - he wants to convey affection for the one that feeds him.

    Actual thoughts? Well, 'Woof' would come to mind ;)

  3. Animals react to the tone of your voice.  They can sense doubt, worry, excitement, happiness, anger and sadness.  

    Animals also react to your energy.  Since they can not verbally communicate they have to look at body language, voice tone, and your energy.

    Your dog sounds very normal and he is trying his best to communicate with you to tell you he loves you and he is very grateful for you taking care of him and he is there if you need a friend.  

    Give him some extra hugs and treats!  He sounds like a super pup!

  4. He is trying to communicate to you the recipe for busch's baked beans

  5. Your dog will be very receptive to your mood. When you come home and are happy to see him he will be happy to see you. If you come home angry or upset he will likely be wary and unsure.

    When you talk to him he will be trying desperately to understand what you are saying and sometimes he WILL know what you mean.

    Labradors and Golden Retrievers are very smart and can learn quite a large vocabulary.

    When you ask him if he wants to go outside or to bring the ball or to go in the kitchen or if he wants a drink, you know from his reaction that he knows EXACTLY what you are talking about, regardless of the tone of your voice.  

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