
What is my little boy seeing and whats going on?

by  |  earlier

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we live in a very old house and my little boy goes to the same corner of the room (bathroom) in the actual bath and talks to something, also when our dog is upstairs he will sit outside the bathroom and look into the corner and wine. my little boy has said to me that he wont use that bath :S, im really worried! please help us.





  1. Maybe ask a priest to bless the bathroom or something, I'd go with a Catholic priest or something though.  Maybe a spirit needs help going to heaven.

  2. it is well known in the paranormal world that children along with animals are very susceptible to paranormal encounters,its like a sixth sense i suppose,try this link for some info

  3. keep up with the status on these at your home to make a decision:

    -look up the history of your home/home area (any disasters/etc)

    -if any disasters/deaths occurred, look up more info on the person/people's life before death (what they did when they were alive)

    -tell this thing/object to go away (in a nice & calm manner)

    -get a medium, spiritualist, or (if the condition is bad based upon research) a priest [based upon your beliefs] if it doesn't want to leave

    -if that doesn't work, get a ghost buster to do the job

    -and the last priority is if things don't get better, do some clear researching to look for a new place to go live rather than the one you are in at the time to live happier in (if all of the above does not work out too well in the end)

  4. Ghostbusters ?

  5. Maybe you could try taking a photo and see if an orb or spirit shows up. Wow sounds interesting. I'm glad I don't live there though. If you're worried you could get a spiritualist medium in to do some ghostbusting or just ask it to go away yourself.

  6. How old is your son and how long has it been happening? And also, kids aren't the only ones that can see ghosts, as plenty of adults have reported seeing them also (probably more than children). Have you seen anything weird? If nothing bad or negative is happening (other than him not wanting to use that bathroom) then just give him a bath in a different room and don't worry about it.  

  7. Wow! That is very scary. It sounds like their is some sort of spirit lingering behind. Hmm.. What to do, what to do. I'd call a priest to bless the house first off. If that doesn't work, go to professionals to try to get it out. If that doesn't work, get the h**l out lol.. Which, it might not be anything evil. Maybe like a guardian angel type thing. If things started happening badly, thats when I would do something about it.

    Good luck!!

  8. I'm guessing Spider or possible termites or bees in the wall that the child with "great hearing" can hear and you as an adult might not hear? Possible the dog hears it to? and maybe smells something. I know ythe whoile ghost thing is  more "fun" answer I just went for practical.  

  9. It's pretty well known that kids and animals can "see" things adults can't. It sounds to me like there is a spirit there. you can try to take a picture there and see if anything shows up. have you asked your son what he sees?

    we used to live in a 100 year old farm house. we had a spiritt/ghost and named her Isabella. I always pictured her as a 7-8 year old african american girl (not racist, but the house was the servants house 100 years ago). She would just kinda walk around, never bothered anybody. Sometimes, in the middle of the night I would hear my son crying and then he would stop and I would hear a little girl singing. It was really kinda sweet.

    I wouldn't worry about it until the walls start bleeding.

  10. there must be a prescence there like a spirit in that corner.  

  11. its the boogey man!!!

  12. Wow, thats really scary, dogs and little kids pick up on things that no one else can see. If he's talking to whatever it is and it freaks the dog out, if either of those gets any worse, you may want to consider moving I know its expensive and a bit annoying, but you've seen what happens when things like that are going on.

  13. If he's old enough to tell you he won't use the bath, he should be old enough to tell you what/who he's talking to.

    Don't be scared; at this point, there's nothing to fear.

  14. Wow - lots of muppets suggesting the wildly implausible ghostly answer, rather than the obvious one of 'a spider'.

  15. people do say that children and animals are more succeptable to 'those' kinds of things....buti have been told when i was 18months old i had an imaginary friend, of which i have no recollection now.

    so it could just be your son is entertaining himself as kids do.

    i wouldnt worry.... i dunno wot 2 say bout ur son not wanting 2 use the bath though

  16. You should look up the history of that house.  

  17. Sounds very much like a spirit. Animals can sense these things, and children see them because their minds are so open. I believe you should seek help from a spiritualist. It may be perfectly harmless as your boy goes to talk to it, but as he won't take a bath it is slightly worrying.

    Good luck

  18. Ask your son what he sees and listen to him - show your listening and believing and he may tell you more.

  19. He is seeing spirits....most children do.  Its the adults that make it so children can't or don't see them as they grow up depending on what the family believes.

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