I have a 6 month old peach faced lovebird. We don't know the s*x, but call him a "he". He's an "only child" and he gets tons of love and attention. Anyway, he has been doing this weird little dance on top of my head lately. He'll hop up there and even if I repeatedly take him off, he'll hop back up super fast if he is set on going this. Anyway, when he's up there he gets really puffy and sorta hobbles around and my boyfriend said it looks like he's rubbing himself on my head. He also slightly holds his wings out to the side when he is doing something makes this little hum sound, kind of sounds like a tiny helicopter. Is it possible that he is trying to "mate" with me? I didn't think so because he is still so young, but it's the only real explanation we've come up with. He also seems to prefer me (female) to my boyfriend. If we're both home, he'll want to be with me. Has anyone experienced a similar behavior and do you know what it is?