
What is my mom's problem?!?!?

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My mom has this serious problem with me being a vegetarian. My mom RARELY makes dinner, and I was extremely excited when I found out she was cooking tonight, and of course, she makes Steak. Im a Lacto-Ovo vegetarian so I was really upset. Well, I told my mom that I don't eat steak, and she said ' Oh my god..... oh! Your trying to be a ' vegetarian ' again..'. So I went to the freezer to get some vegetarian chicken nuggets to cook, none are there. Earlier my Dad went to the store and I gave him a coupon I got for Morning Star products and asked him to get me some. He didn't, he got me these ' vegetarian ' chicken b*****s, they looked nasty. I asked my dad why he didnt get the kind I gave him the coupon for, and he said he found these so he bought them. And my mom said that I'm not allowed to buy anymore vegetarian foods until I eat these things. I'm serious, they look NASTY. I asked my mom what Im supposed to eat for dinner, and she said to shut up and go upstairs.




  1. Ignore them! They need to respect you. Make all the grossness and then feed it to the dog or throw it over the fence. BUT THE RIGHT THING TO DO IT TO TRY IT. You might like it, you never know. If you don't want to eat gross vegetarian chicken nuggets try soy beans, they are so good. I also got this drink the other day which is super good, it is called "Original Super Protein Vitamin Fruit Juice Drink". It is by Odwalla and it has 18 grams of protein. You can get it at any grocery store. Try it! Good luck with the parent thing.

  2. It's not a vegetarian issue.  It's another issue altogether.  It sounds like your Mother is just being nasty.  If I were you I would get a part time job or babysit some neighborhood kids.  Then take the money and buy the vegetarian stuff you want.

    Or you could throw the other patties away and say you ate them.

    Someday things will be different and you will be able to be on your own free of your Mother.  It's great that you are already a vegetarian.  You got a head start compared to me.  I was 25 before I went veg.  I wish I would have known sooner so I could have prevented a lot more suffering.

    If you just stick with your guns and remind them a lot, they will get used to it.  They may never be great about it (my Mother-in-law isn't).  Some people are just really narrow minded...and it's not like your Mother is June Cleaver to begin with...You said she rarely cooks anyways.

    You can sit there, a little hungry :( but with no meat rotting in your stomach...You didn't give into the steak so your heart is true.  Not many people are that strong.  The hunger you feel can be dedicated to the animals that were killed to make your Mom and Dad's steak.  It may sound corny, but it can actually be spiritual.

    E-mail me if you need to talk.  If you live in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area you can come over and I will whip you up some smart dogs :)

  3. well if she barely cooks for you the slowly when she is not around get rid of the veg. chicken breast. The only problem with that is then your dad might think that you like them so he might continue buying them. My mom is the same way and she has been eating out alot and I have to tag a long and she either eats a steak or burger and the places she goes don't even have salads and then people lagh at me if I order pasta because most all of there pastas have meat. Just hang in there and talk to your mom and tell her how you feel about her not fully supporting her. My mom is the same way barely cooks and then when she does it's for her boyfriend and I ask well wheat am I going to eat? She says every vegetarian for themselves or thats your problem. It's aggravating but one of the downside of being a vegetarian when you either a young adult or teen Hope this help email if you want

  4. Oh you have a common problem which is called they have troble excepting that its your life and your growing up so your starting to make your own life decisions if she excepts it (which eventually she will have no choice but to) it may take some time address your feeling with her about it

  5. seceretly but those vegitatarian nuggets. but there so expensive. i acually like them better than regular chicken nuggts(im not a vegitarian)

    the only thing you can do is tell your mom that you wont eat what she cooks

    or just get a job(if you can) and buy them

  6. No offence, but i think you're being slightly selfish and fussy. I understand your vegetarian tastes.

    Although, be grateful your mom was cooking.


    Your Dad thought of you in the shop.

    Even if he bought the wrong vegetarian chicken product. He made an effort and was thinking in your best interests.

    I understand your mom might be a little 'tunnel-vision' with your vegetarianism but stand your ground on that, I'm sure she will come round.

    Tip; try these chicken b*****s they might be real nice. If not get up and go get your own vegetarian food. If you cant rely on yourself, who can you rely on.

    Good luck.

    Hope this helped clear things up.

  7. I'm too a vegetarian! My parents didn't really get it or support it either they were both positive that I was just going through a stage .. They would always cook meals with meat leaving me to eat barley anything.. But then I sat down and told them one on one I'm a vegetarian.. This isn't a stage its a decision I made and I'm not going to change it! Your parents aren't use to it give them time... But hang in there.. and too get rid of those chicken things just throw away a couple at a time so it looks like your eating them..

  8. You need to be more involved in planning your meals ahead of time. Going to the store with your parents would be a good start.

    Meat substitutes are an over-priced luxury and you'll need to learn how to live without them very soon if you are going to be picky.

    I'd recommend that you take charge and start cooking your own vegetable, pasta, bean and lentil dishes as they can be quick and easy to mak as well as very cheap.

  9. i thought your mom was cool with ur being a vegan?

       owell.... idk.....   buy a mini fridge and buy them so she doesnt know!! lol, or you could just eat the c**p, and once you get sick off it, you can tell her its her fault for making you eat it!! :)


       oh btw 2 wonderwall.... SHES FRICKING 12 YOU IDIOT!!  

        sorry. but if people arent going to actually give you an answer, they shouldnt answer it!

  10. WOW! im not the only one but im not vegitarian im vegan so i pretty much just make my own meals.its pretty much all you can do other thatn hide small little snacks up in your room. this probly isnt much help but hopefully a little bit!!!! good luck!!!!

  11. Talk to your mom and see what her deal is with you being a vegetarian. The come up with a comprimize

  12. I'm sorry your parents are so against your choice of eating, I would suggest eating the sides and leaving the steak, perhaps after wasting so much she will understand that you arent going to change your mind and come on board.  The horrible thing is if you are still too young to leave you might have to endure until you can get out of the house.  Good luck on your path.

  13. Aww :( I am sorry about your parents. I know its hard for you. Grab the chicken, and throw them out your window, throw them in the garbage, hide them or do something. lol But then tell them "Even though it was horrible, I ate them so you can accept my decision". Show them that you want to become one BAD.

    Tell your mom being a vegetarian is a better choice, and tell your mom that you need to be the leader of YOUR decisions, not a follower. Make her see how becoming vegetarian is 50 times better than eating meat

    For now, maybe you can find at least a little something to chew on like raw vegetables, cookies, fruits.. Anything thats not meat - see if you can eat it.

    I wish you luck, and I hope your parents allow you to become one!

  14. Oh, Darling thats ashame. Your mother and father are definatley not giving you ANY respect about your decisions. hmm well snack on some foods. Crackers and what not for now...

    P.S.   "pretend" to eat the chicken, throw it out!

  15. You were extremely upset, but do you think maybe your Mom was extremely upset too because she made a special dinner and you reacted the way you did?  What about your dad, who remembered to get you a vegetarian chicken substitute, but got you one that you decided is "disgusting"?

    If you want to maintain your vegetarian diet, and want to be super picky about exactly which vegetarian products you are willing to eat, then you should go with your parents when they shop.  I know this sounds harsh, but it is a lot to expect your parents to cater to your special demands and to predict your pickiness about what you will and won't eat, even if it is vegetarian.  

    To fix things, give yourself a little while to calm down, then go apologize.  You were wrong to blow up at the vegetarian chicken b*****s.  You were wrong to be so pissed at your Mom about cooking steak.  You aren't the only member of the family.

  16. Your mother's problem is that she has a spoiled brat for a daughter.

    what's stopping you from making your own dinner or buying the specific brand that you wanted??

    And your Mom says" you are trtying to be a vegtarian again?" Sounds like she knows something that you conveniently ommited in the stoy like maybe you have done this before, stopped, did it again, stopped, did it again, stopped, now doing it again. That can get anoying after awhile

  17. try to eat what you can of what your mother cooked, if shes having steak then maybe she's gonna have some type of vegatable or baked potatoe,, try to talk to your parents more about the veg, diet and why you want to eat only certain things, communication is the key,, and until you get old enough to work and buy your own food then you really don't have a choice, you have to eat,,,,

  18. So your parents are strict, tough break. Be greatful that they bought anything for you. It could be much, much worse.

    She clearly doesn't agree with your being vegetarian, and she should respect it, but if she doesn't you gotta get it done yourself. If you are old enough, I suggest asking for a ride to the store and buying your own food for either her or you to cook. Just don't hold it against them for not supporting your personal diet. Their job is to feed you, not to turn their own house into a resturant.

    For now, take a look at the ingredients on the nasty looking chicken. If it is vegetarian, eat it. Don't starve cause the food looks bad, that just doesn't make sense. Heck, it might even taste good. To avoid this in the future, find vegetarian recipes that you and maybe your parents will like. She just might cook them for you.

  19. It's perceptions. My mother clucks her tongue at me and my daughter and wonders aloud if we are getting all of our daily nutritional needs met. You need to educate  your parents as to the healthiness of your eating style. Do not be forceful and do not get argumentative.

  20. My dog loves those veggies chicken things (I'm hinting something) ;)

  21. You're an ungrateful BRAT. You're lucky your dad even wasted money buying you a vegetarian dish when he could have simply refused.

    You're mom doesn't have a problem you do. If you don't like it get a job, move out and make your own food.

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