
What is my moms problem??????

by  |  earlier

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I've literally stayed in my house all summer. The biggest thing I've done is go out to eat, once. I haven't seen any of my friends. This morning I asked my mom if I could hang out with my friend Nick and she says "There's nothing to eat in the house and the pool is closed" So I say "Well I don't care I mean we will find things to do" And then she just ignores me to go put her makeup on. Okay, well after that she says "We can go to K-mart" So I was like will give me something to do at least, and now she doesn't want to go anymore! I said "Well if you won't let me see my friends and we won't even go anywhere together what do you want me to do?" And then whenever I give her a question she ignores me and leaves. I'm so sick of being stuck in my house on the computer all day. What do I do..and what do you think my moms problem is?




  1. Your mother is afraid of losing you.She wants you home,to stay with her all the time.She is scared because you grew up too fast and she was not ready to deal with your freedom.Good luck trying to break her of the hold she has on you.

  2. My mother does this too. Shes ignoring your questions because she knows you are making sense and she is wrong and being irrational. Just try asking her again dont let up. When you ask something and she goes to do her makeup follow her and respectfully ask her again.

  3. Where does she go?

    Just up and go somewhere,try to be home before she gets home.If she gets home before you do, just tell her you were going stir crazy and if she isn't there to stop you then you are going out.If she can go out, why should you be stuck at home alone?She is asking for trouble.

    You could maybe go make some money doing lawns or something,take up a hobby,learn to play a music instrument or something,read.

  4. As a mother myself I have 3 kids 18yr old a 15, and a 8yr old. I'm not sure what category you fall in but as for me my I'm cool with my kids to an extent. Maybe your mom doesn't feel comfortable with the friends you hang out with or I'm not sure if she has trust issues with you that you had done in your past.. for me my oldest I can be tough on him too, I know your think'n he's 18 and I'm still kinda hard but that's because our neighborhood isn't all that great and he's gone through really bad problems out there with gangs, he's not a gang member but what you wear brings negative attention and it scares me when he goes out. You should find a time when your moms not too busy sit down and talk to her about how you feel, I'm sure you will get answers from her, were always gonna be protective over our kids maybe some more than others..

    Good luck:)

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