
What is my name in german?

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Okay i am a freshman and i am takeing german as a forgin language well the teacher said we could have a german name if we wanted well i ahve looked all over the place on the internet and cant find my name! my names Amber if u know how to spell amber in german please help... it would be grealy appreciated!




  1. Since German uses the latin alphabet, your name can't really be changed.  You just say, "Amber".

    If you mean amber as in the color, it is generally said as "gelb" which really means yellow. Amber the actual mineral (or whatever it is) is der Bernstein.   But GELB and BERNSTEIN are NOT used as names!! hehe.. that would be hilarious.

    If you want your name to have a "german touch" to it, just change it to "Ämber"

  2. American pronounciation...


    German pronounciation


    there is no real translation from English to German in the odd name of Amber, since Amber is a name that has gined popularity in the last few decades.  d**n Hippies.

    The other answerer is correct, literally it would be yellow or the mineral if you wanted it literally, but those names don't make for great baby names, unless Germany goes through it's own cultural revolution.

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