
What is my problem, am I suffering from martial anxiety?

by  |  earlier

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Well....about 7 months ago I badly dislocated my shoulder and the docs told me my martial arts training would be over. I proved them wrong and Im getting strong again and training pretty hard. I even plan on competing in june. I went through alot of stuff to get my martial arts back, but Im not as agile and my joints are a little stiffer than my "pre-injury" body. Its probably because I was in a bit better condition.

Heres the issue. Since getting some of my skills back, I have this obsession of filming my solo training and filming my fellow students. I think sometimes it annoys them a bit, but I guess Im afraid of loosing my martial arts again, and If I do I want to be able to look back on it. Is this wierd? My injury really freaked me out, now Im developing this fear of getting older and wearing down. Any advice?




  1. Well, it's normal to be worried about that kind of stuff, but if you want my advice, take a year or a few months off. Try to heal yourself and train a little at home, and when you feel fine, get back to it, but you should stop thinking about it for now.

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