
What is my problem? help me?

by  |  earlier

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god i went from a girly girl loving life to an emo depressed person. i get really depressed and then happy and then depressed and on and on. my friends said i changed my personality alot and ive had thoughts of harming and or killing myself. i dont wanna talk to parents or the school nursse about it because well im scared they will overreact. i dont think ill ever do it because im kinda afiad of life after death. if i tell my parents my mom will flip and problay kick me out or something. im scared. i told like 2 friends and they said im just oging through a tough time. what is wrong with me. i was so bubbly and then i just went depressed. what happened and what do i do?




  1. nothing is wrong with you.

    many kids go through these kind of feelings.

    the best thing to do is to talk to your parents. they won't through you out or somthing.

    just talking to them about what you are going through will make you feel better.

    things will work out, it might take time but trust your parents and youself.

  2. ok, i know that you're scarred of how they will react, but you might have something called bipolar disorder. this makes your mood fluctuate a lot, and it can ONLY be fixed with medication. so, please, tell your parents...or at least go to a doctor for a "check up" and tell them.

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