
What is my rat doing? (video inside)?

by Guest56913  |  earlier

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whats she doing? is she humping my arm? (rofl..)

she kept trying to get on my arm to do it, but yeah LOL am i right?




  1. she might be in heat and is attempting to hump your arm...but it looked like she was just trying to climb up your arm :)

  2. yea she is humping your arm she is probly in heat.

  3. When rats come into heat, the female will follow the male rat and attempt to mount him and crawl under him. They'll even dart across their front. This is enticing to the male rat and he will eventually mate with her.

    Female rats come into heat every 4-5 days. If you rub the base of her tail, she may perk her hiney up and wiggle her ears, which is also an indication of her being in heat.

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