I'm searching for a belief system that matches what I already believe. Please help. And no, Jesus is not my answer.
I believe in a god who helps those who help themselves, but doesn't condemn nonproductive ruthlessness or compulsive backstabbing. My god is proud of those who advance themselves, admits that sometimes it is necessary to do so at the expense of others, but does not feel others should be made to suffer just for emotional gain. The value of other humans and the effects of your actions on them must always be considered when you promote yourself at their expense.
My god finds that in meritocracy, poverty is a sin and the poor are sinners. My god does not believe in consumption at the expense of other humans or the natural world. He/she is offended by SUVs and the people who drive them just as surely as those who could lift themselves from poverty but don't.
My god is offended by overt displays of religosity. As all attempts to worship if fall woefully short of what it deserves, praising it is like telling a loved one that they're "ok", so praising it in public is degrading as it is ultimately a pathetic understatement.
My god intervenes in the physical world. Occasionally.
My god wants us all to succeed. It does not punish us to eternal damnation because we screwed up, though we do suffer for our misdeeds. My god teaches, it does not test.
Any suggestions?