
What is my responsibility to report an illegal immigrant in my community?

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I know some one who is here working in the US with a fake SS number. This person has caused no harm is a hard working stay out of trouble type. However, this person needs to renew driving privilages and can't without showing the illegal status. Should I just stay quiet and pretend I don't know the status or report it? If I should report it to whom do I report it?




  1. This person has committed two crimes:

    1. Being here illegally. They call it illegal immigration for a reason.

    2. Identity theft. If you think there are no victims of identity theft, you are very wrong. We are all victims. Every time he/she opens any kind of account or uses that SSN to purchase something, that is recorded on someones credit history. It is also sent to all major federal agencies to track that person's activity. Whether they default on a bill or not, the person that the SSN belongs to will have their credit buying power reduced until after they fix the problem. Then they will have to go through the whole process of having to dispute any charges or accounts, as well as, notifying the authorities. Then the credit companies and the other companies that were defrauded will have to write those charges off, which get passed on to the consumers through higher prices and interest rates. As a victim of identity theft, I know the reality of being a victim.

    As for reporting it, if everyone stood on the sidelines when they saw a crime being committed, this whole country would fall into anarchy. The police are stretched to their limits as it is and they need the communities help. And as I said, the victims would like justice, too. Report them to the local authorities.

  2. Anyone who tells you to leave well enough alone is just out of touch with reality..

    It is your duty to inform the proper people of this... A crime is being committed... It doesn't matter how large or how small.  

    Illegal immigrant already is illega... and using a fake SSN...That's just bonus points

  3. you should not  report him he's just here to have a better life maybe has kids back at Mexico or were ever he lives and he came here to give them a better life! he also might be using a fake Social Security number that no body had

  4. First of all you shouldn't report that person if they haven't done anything bad to you. But I think you can't just report people to ICE, they don't allow you to do it. Also not all fake SS numbers are someone elses, proffesional SS makers can make a SS thats fake and that noone has it. Just mind your own.

  5. Say you were 65 and drawing soc. security.. all of sudden your checks stop.. and you don't know why. Upon inquiry, they inform you that you are working full time in a factory in FL or TX and that since you are no longer retired, you can't draw soc. sec. you know you are not working so what do you do.. your number is being used by an illegal immigrant.. so, no harm done right.. what if you were 18 and decided to go to college and needed a student loan but when you applied for 1 you were told that you didn't qualify because you had $1 million in debt.. you have never even as much as had a credit card.An illegal used your SS# to open up a bunch of accounts and now you are responsible.. . but nobody's being hurt right.. He's not the stay out of trouble type ..he was in trouble the minute he came here ILLEGALLY.. you know that.. why is this a dillemma

  6. If I see someone beating a member of your family with a baseball bat what is my responsibility to report the crime? The same as yours to report a crime! If someone dies because they were unable to buy food because they didn't get a SS check because your friend used his SSN and the SSA thinks he is back to work is that "causing no harm"? Just because you do not see the harm first hand doesn't mean it isn't hurting someone! Call ICE!

  7. "Also not all fake SS numbers are someone elses, proffesional SS makers can make a SS thats fake and that noone has it. Just mind your own."

    I just love the way these people's minds work.  And they claim to be a highly religious people.  I remember years ago when the Mexicans were boycotting Barney the Dinosaur for some forgetable reason that he was somewhat connected to the Devil.  Yet breakings laws, stealing, lying, etc. is all okay.  God excuses them for all this I suppose.  Won't they all be surprised one day when they wake up with their butts on fire.

  8. Why do you want to get in there ?

    If the guy is doing no harm, let him be

    Remember, in the USA, everything is illegal and everything is a crime

  9. why get involved?? jeez are you bored? leave the guy alone, if he gets in trouble he get in trouble.

    mind your own

  10. Its your legal duty to report a crime in action. Since you know that someone is breaking the law, you must call INS and get these scums out of this country. Further, if you tell INS and they don't act on it ASAP, the INS agent can lose his job and I suggest you tell the agency this when you report it.

  11. no just leave him alone he came here to live a better life don't ruin it how would you like it if someone reported you if you were him.....just mind your own bizness

  12. Report him, using a fake SS number is serious. He could be ruining some elses life if they have that number. Call The FEDs and let them know.

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