
What is my son going to need to start preschool?

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Do I need to go buy school supplies and if so what kind of things should I get?




  1. for my preschool they dont need anything. just a packpack to put extra clothes in and for the winter time snow pants and boots and extra shoes and what not. as for school supplies we supply everything

    good luck=] he's gunna love preschool!

  2. They would mail you a list if anything you would need to get. But get a small book bag for him to put his stuff in. I would make sure he has extra set of clothes there incase there was accident that he might need changed.

  3. now the abc and 123

  4. Most pre-schools supply everything that your child will need.  I would just get you child a small backpack and a lunch bag, or box to pack his or her snack in.  I know at my daughter's pre-school they discourage the children from bringing in anything from home for fear of it getting lost or sharing issues.  I hope I have helped.

  5. I have 2 sons attending preschool this year 1 public, 1 private.  What they need is a backpack labeled with a sharpie marker, and an art smock.  That's it.

  6. in most areas of the USA at 3 years old the public schools test children to see if they have any special needs (hearing, speech and other issues) Some schools have 3 year old programs, some have 4 year old programs and some not till age 5. I would contact your local public school and they can give you all the info including any school supply lists. (my 4 year old starts pre-kindergarten this fall...its 4 days a week from 8-11,,,I can hardly wait!!!)

  7. He needs to be prepared to deal with the potential vile goings on of today.  I wouldn't send a child to the public school system if I had one, nor to preschool at a really young age. You don't know how adults will treat him, and also the many little vileniks of today that come from all sorts of broken, corrupt and violent homes.

    I tell you that if your child is bright and innocent, he or she could become targeted as an outcast, viewed as weird or a troublemaker, and could become a candidate for a politically ascribed "disease" and forced druggings.

    Also be prepared for him to be taught socialist ideals as time goes on, and for him to learn all about The Homosexual Agenda.

  8. I don't remember having to buy any supplies for preschool.  He might have had an extra set of clothing (I don't remember getting it back now).  The fees I paid, paid for everything.  

    We had to bring snack once in a while.  If they wanted you to have supplies they usually give you a list as soon as you register.  Preschool is a great experience.  I think it's great that they can make friends and do stuff that gets them ready for school now a days.

  9. Im not sure the child would need a book bag, in preschool, they generally have a cubby they store their things in. My son had to have a beach towel for nap time and an extra change of clothes to leave at the center in case of accidents or whatever. Generally they will let you know at the time of enrollment what the child will need to bring.

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