
What is my weight suppose to be?

by  |  earlier

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I weigh 199 and i'm 5'8 height (or taller, not sure). I don't know what weight i'm suppose to be so can someone inform me? thanks.




  1. about 140, little less

  2. Well, if you're a girl at that height, 150 lbs. would be pretty average.

    If you're a guy, probably around 165 lbs.

  3. You can go to the Weight Watchers website and enter "healthy weight" in the search bar. It will pull up an area of the site that has a calculator for your weight range based on a number of factors.  

  4. 140

  5. To be honest, there is no perfect weight. Not all weight is fat, muscles can be very heavy.

    So don't try to look too much at your weight, but try to focus on living a healthy life ;)

  6. you sound okay for your height !

    it actually depends on youre body frame

    try maybe 10 lbs loss to stay healthy

    answer mine?;...

  7. Well your a little over but thats okay. I'm honestly not sure if your a girl or boy but if your a girl than try losing 25-40 pounds (40 being the absolute most) and if your a boy try losing 25-30 pounds. Make sure you don't lose any muscle. Good luck!

  8. Your ideal weight should depend on your age, (BMI), height, s*x and your built (small, medium or heavy). You can find your built by closing your fist, thump inside with other fingers over it. If the gap between the fingers and the smaller part of your wrist is small then you have small built, the bigger you have medium and wider the gap the heavier your built is.

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